Shared Technology That Puts People First

Dan Stein
Startup Thread
Published in
6 min readMay 9, 2021

Interview with Steve Moak CEO and Founder of ShareTek

Interview with Steve Moak CEO and Founder of ShareTek

Based in Scottsdale, Arizona, ShareTek was founded in 2020 by a close-knit team of professionals who have deep personal connections to addiction, illness, crime, and redemption. ShareTek offers a state-of-the-art drug and alcohol testing solution that leverages DNA matching technology to validate at-home/at-work test results. It’s virtual, Coordinated Care Platform and DNA Confirmed Drug and Alcohol Solution breaks down the silos of client data that are common among industries such as healthcare, human services, and criminal justice, effortlessly connecting all support care team members of vulnerable/at-risk populations for improved outcomes.

Dan: Thanks again for taking the time to talk with us. To start, I am sure our readers would love to learn more about you. How did you get here? What is your background?

I am Steve Moak CEO and Founder of ShareTek. I founded the company to support people in early recovery from drug and alcohol substance abuse. We invented the first DNA confirmed drug test kit. ShareTek’s drug test kits reliably detect over 100 different substances, including designer drugs, benzodiazepines, antidepressants, nicotine and even synthetic urine that would otherwise go undetected by traditional tests. The state-of-the-art drug and alcohol testing solution leverages DNA matching technology to validate at home/at work test results by matching salvia and urine.

Dan: Tell us about your business. What do you do and what is your startup’s origin story?

The idea was born from my personal story and journey with addiction. I walked out of a treatment facility in Scottsdale, Arizona, seven years ago and realized there needed to be a new model of care. I saw the lack of access and support for people early in their recovery. I also wanted to make the testing more discrete. We invented the DNA drug test and during that process had the idea to create a wearable device that could do continuous drugs and alcohol detection via sweat and relay that information to a paired mobile app in real time.

Not only was I a patient at the treatment center but ended up working there a year into my recovery. I was a behavioral health therapist and had to observe patients collecting a urine sample and thought this is terrible for both parties involved. There has to be a better way to do drug and alcohol testing.

Dan: What’s unique about your company? What are the key differentiators between you and other players?

Drug and alcohol testing isn’t new, but that’s part of the problem. Organizations have been doing the same drug and alcohol testing for decades. We were the first company to bring a DNA confirmed product to the market. The real time monitoring through the wearable device, will shake up the industry tremendously. We feel very strongly that no one should ever have to do an observed drug and alcohol test ever again. This is a quantitative product that tests for over 100 drugs every since time and the levels of the substance. This will help treatment centers and our partners find out what’s going on in early recovery. Is the patient staying current on their medicine? Are they starting to tamper down on their medicine? Are they staying compliant? This is a key component in early recovery. These are disruptive technologies that we’re looking to take across the country.

Dan: Take us through a day in your life. What does the typical day look like?

A typical day starts out around 5:30 in the morning. I am big on routine. I have a lot of work to do with a small team. I get up early and walk the dog, spends a little time with the kids (and especially the newborn baby) and then head to the office. I do a daily meditation at the office to keep myself centered. Then, I meet with the team to go over the day and what problems may have occurred. In a start-up environment there are always challenges. I like to get solutions figured out quickly.

Dan: What are some of the key steps you have taken to grow your business?

We had a pivot early on. Initially, we were very software focused and then changed to focus more on the drug and alcohol testing that is now powered by the software. One of the things we have done really well is cultivate great relationships with our clients. That starts with a great sales process that is well defined, followed by excellent customer support. We deal with really sensitive information and data. In 2020, the US had a record high of overdoses deaths. Our staff is aware of the nature of our business and we pride ourselves on doing their best and being available for customers. People try and cheat these tests on a regular basis and the DNA testing doesn’t allow that. We are able to catch anyone who’s trying to submit animal urine or their brother’s or sister’s urine because of the DNA component.

Dan: What has been the most challenging part of growing your company?

Patience is #1. I want to get everything done — get the product to market and grow the business. We’re doing all of the things but being patient and looking at the plan you’ve created and measuring yourself against it is important. It takes time and patience. We have done a capital raise that was over-subscribed. We raised over $1 million in an angel round and that was my first time doing a capital raise. Now we are moving into an institutional round, where we hope to raise $5 million. It’s been challenging, but really interesting and I am learning a lot. I am excited to grow and fuel the expansion of his business.

Dan: What are your best sales and marketing tips?

It has been a really interesting learning process on the sales and marketing side. I have 20 years of technology sales and management experience. I learned pretty early on the importance of relationships in this business. The industry has a bad reputation and ShareTek has taken great strides to position themselves differently and not be lumped in with the bad operations. Building relationships and not being entirely focused on closing a deal. Their best clients come from referrals. Word of mouth and referrals has proven to be their best marketing tool. Customers tell someone about their new innovative product, how reliable the results are and what great customer support they offer. We strive to maintain those relationships and be there to answer any questions that come up.

Dan: Do you have a book, podcast, or Youtube channel you would recommend to other Entrepreneurs?

I like to read and listen to audio books. I love Good to Great, Moon Shot and Influenced by Robert Cialdini. I have read them all several times and keep them on my desk, so I can refer back to from time to time.

Dan: If you could go back in time to the day you founded your company, what advice would you give yourself?

Coming up with a well-defined plan with deliverables is important. We did that, but being even more specific and crystal clear, so you can measure against the plan. And then make sure you have the right team in place. Having the right people that you can scale the business as you grow.

Dan: If you were writing an article about your company, what would the title be?

Persistent Pays

We’re in a unique industry that can save lives. We’re in an industry that hasn’t seen a lot of changes and we’re paving the way with a new model of care. It’s been challenging to work with providers who are resistant to change, but making sure you stay the course and be persistent.

To Learn More About ShareTek Check Out Their Website Below!


