1/7 mindsets for B2B founders to make sales easy-peasy.

Startup to Scaleup
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2020

In this series of seven articles, I am going to break some preconceived notions that might be stopping you to excel at sales, hence responsible for slowing down your startup’s growth.

I will replace them with 7 mindsets that will make sales come naturally to you.

Jim Rohn once said you shouldn’t wish that things were easier; you should wish that you were better.

Mindset 1: Own your mission.

Let’s face it: one of the reasons you founded a startup is that you’re a misfit in some way. You aren’t satisfied with something in the world the way it is, and you want to make it better.

Embrace that mission.

From the execution point of view, your mission has mainly two parts:

  1. Build the product/service.
  2. Get more and more people to use that product/service — aka sales.

Luckily for us, we’re living in the best possible time for startups — it’s easier than ever before to bring your product to market. You can set up almost for free, thanks to countless companies offering services from company formation to cloud hosting. Up till a few years ago, this would have cost you thousands of dollars!

Along with costs, the entire approach towards starting a company has changed.

During most of the last century, the main question when starting a business was: “Can you build the product?” The great founders of this period were the ones who could envision a better way of doing things and build it.

However, over the last decade, developing a product has become more democratized. So, unless you’re working on some cutting-edge next-gen tech, the question for most businesses today is: “Should you build the product?” Today’s successful founders are the ones who can envision a better way of doing things and sell it.

They reject the old belief that “If I build it, they will come.”

Instead, they think, “If they come, I will build it.”

The fact is that most present-day startups fail not because they can’t build a product but because they can’t sell it.

And yet, so many founders I see are excessively focused on the product. Most of their daily and weekly activities revolve around building the product rather than building sales.

They forget that in today’s world, almost anyone can build similar products — and that their primary mission won’t be achieved until a lot of people/companies actually adopt their product, thus changing something for the better.

Owning it is the first step to achieve your true mission.

(You can click here for 2/7 Mindset: Always be learning.)


Hi there, I am Maddy. I help B2B & SaaS founders get first 1000 customers and scale fast!

Sales is a science. Just like you engineer your product into existence, I can help you build a sales and marketing machine to help people see how your product changes their lives for the better.

Do you want to scale your startup fast?

Start by getting The SaaS Scaling Game Plan and free training to build a predictable sales machine without wasting existing funds by clicking here.



Startup to Scaleup

I help #B2B & #SaaS founders scale fast! — Revenue growth with a scientific approach to marketing funnels, tech automation, and sales team processes.