Want To Launch A Successful Startup? Spend Time Abroad

Jonathan Moed
Startup Universal
Published in
8 min readSep 5, 2018
Source: Getty

In my time traveling around the world to learn about global startup ecosystems, I have been struck by the quantity and quality of successful businesses I’ve come across whose origin story started with members of its founding team studying or working abroad, and in some cases, whose business model was directly inspired by experiences that occurred during a founder’s time abroad.

I set out to uncover what’s behind this trend, and how going abroad can impact business creation and development. Here’s what I’ve learned, including examples of high-growth startups I have encountered throughout my travels.

Problem Seekers

Entrepreneurs and founders learn through experience, and those who are successful share an ability to extract insights from their experiences — insights about what is broken, and how to fix it. The pursuit of problems represents the start of an entrepreneur’s journey, and for many aspiring entrepreneurs, seizing the opportunity to study or work abroad is a first and valuable chance to accelerate their journey by introducing fresh and different experiences into their lives.

Venturing abroad has several overarching personal and professional benefits, including cultivating an international network of both peers and mentors, learning to be resourceful and to adapt to new and unfamiliar situations, and questioning previously accepted behaviors and beliefs, all of which contribute to the development of a clearer sense of self.

On a practical level, the rate at which these new and unfamiliar experiences confront those who go abroad each and every day means these students or workers are regularly forced to react and consider whether or how to make sense of them. This hyper-awareness naturally corresponds to an enhanced grasp of surrounding day-to-day problems that would not have been possible to discern otherwise. Living in a place different from home constantly produces points of comparison and judgments: ‘these processes/products/solutions are worse or better or different than what I’m used to.’ Whether intentional or unintentional, those who go abroad morph into problem seekers and opportunity detectors.

I will now highlight three examples of successful startup businesses whose stories and models were inspired by study and work abroad experiences.


Flywire, an international payments company based in Boston and Valencia, Spain, is the brainchild of Spanish entrepreneur Iker Marcaide. In 2008, he was accepted to study in Boston at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. When it came time for Marcaide to pay his tuition and living expenses as an international student from Spain, he discovered how expensive and inefficient the process of transferring international payments was. The school had trouble finding and reconciling his payment, not to mention the unfavorable exchange rate he was charged — far worse than the market rate.

Detecting an opportunity, Marcaide decided to dig deeper and study all of the pain points of the international payments process and the ways in which it could be improved, ultimately leading him to found the company now known as Flywire (originally PeerTransfer) in 2009, and serve as its CEO through 2013.

Iker Marcaide in the early days of Flywire, then known as PeerTransfer (Source: Startupxplore)

From the start, Marcaide leveraged his international experience and newly developed U.S. network to grow the business by “unlocking interesting arbitrage opportunities and building bridges between the U.S. and Spain.” Flywire set up its customer facing functions in the U.S., and its operations center in Spain. Marcaide benefited greatly from being in the U.S. as a student, as it made raising capital from U.S. investors and selling to U.S. schools significantly easier. At the same time, Flywire took advantage of the relatively cheap and talented technical workforce in Marcaide’s hometown of Valencia to build out its technology.

Flywire’s value proposition (Source: Flywire.com)

In the past 9 years, under the watch of Marcaide and current CEO Mike Massaro, Flywire’s payments platform has transformed cross-border payments, offering a fast and easy experience for users, and more affordable foreign exchange rates as it groups and sends payments in bulk. Today, the company is the global leader in the education sector, with a growing presence in the healthcare and business sectors. It is processing over US$5 billion in payments annually for over 1,400 clients, and with a recently announced US$100 million Series D funding round to power geographic expansion and investment in its technology, shows no signs of slowing down.


Portuguese startup Uniplaces is a rental accommodations marketplace that has served over 250,000 students from over 165 countries, and its story also began with its three co-founders studying abroad. Miguel Santo Amaro, originally from Portugal, met one of his co-founders, Ben Grech, in 2007 as an undergrad studying abroad at the University of Nottingham in the U.K., and his other co-founder, Mariano Kostelec, in 2010 through an introduction by Grech while studying abroad in China as part of an MBA program at Babson College.

Uniplaces founding team (from left): Miguel Santo Amaro, Ben Grech and Mariano Kostelec (Source: Uniplaces)

The co-founders bonded over their shared experiences studying and living abroad, specifically how difficult it was to find and manage accommodations as foreigners. Santo Amaro recounted the challenges they experienced, including needing to pay months worth of rent upfront due to the lack of a local guarantor, being unable to understand rental contracts written in other languages, putting down deposits without any assurances the deposit would be returned, and spending countless hours viewing listings before finding the right accommodations. These collective pain points motivated Santo Amaro, Grech, and Kostelec to disrupt the mid to long-term rental experience, and in the 2012, Uniplaces launched.

Uniplaces aims to provide a seamless experience for mid to long-term rentals for both landlords and tenants by aggregating and digitizing the rental process, from contracts to rent collection and processing. The company fulfills a crucial need particularly for students, as oftentimes universities don’t provide student accommodations, which can end up costing students more than tuition fees. As Santo Amaro noted, “even in mature markets like the U.S., only 20% of on-campus accommodations are provided by universities, mainly for first year students.” The rest of the over US$150 billion student rentals market is fragmented, resulting in the issues detailed above.

Screenshot of Uniplaces site (Source: Uniplaces.com)

Since its launch, the company has expanded its segments to include expats and young professionals — anyone who needs accommodations for 6–12 months — and currently operates in the U.K., Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, and Italy. It was the first project incubated in Lisbon’s Startup Lisboa program in 2012, was also selected to Chile’s Startup Chile accelerator program, and has subsequently raised approximately US$30 million, including funding from investors in both the U.K. and Portugal. Looking ahead, the Uniplaces team intends to double down on its growth in Europe and to scale its supply acquisition and engagement.


Kambista, Peru’s first online money exchange platform, was co-founded by Peruvians Paulo Valdiviezo and Daniel Bonifaz Zegarra based on the former’s experience studying and living abroad in Australia. Valdiviezo pursued a master’s degree at UNSW Australia, and subsequently began working in Sydney. When he moved back to Peru in 2016, Valdiviezo wanted to change his savings from Australian currency to Peruvian currency to make use of them, but wasn’t satisfied with his options.

At the time, Valdiviezo could either exchange through a bank and pay a premium well above the market rate, or he could exchange through a street cambista, or moneychanger, and risk being ripped off or given counterfeit currency. Instead of settling for these options, Valdiviezo recruited a team to build Kambista, and by January 2017, the business was fully operational and licensed by Peru’s leading financial institutions.

The Kambista team (Source: Kambista)

Kambista currently has 20,000 registered users across its web platform and mobile app, and has already moved over S/250 million (US$75 million). Its average exchange amount is US$1,500 for individuals and US$8,000 for businesses. It has been able to gain traction by offering significantly lower rates than banks (0.3% versus bank rates of 1.5%) through aggregating funds in a manner similar to Flywire’s payments grouping. At the same time, Kambista provides the financial security and protection often lacking when dealing with street cambistas. Upon registering on Kambista’s platform and providing account information, customers simply select the amount they would like to exchange, are sent a bank code that they provide to Kambista, and minutes later the exchange is complete.

Kambista’s mobile app (Source: Kambista)

Kambista was selected to participate in Startup Peru’s national accelerator program, and has raised US$80,000 in seed funding so far. By the end of 2019, it aims to manage 100,000 transactions per month, and also has plans to expand to Argentina, Chile, and Mexico — other Latin American markets faced with many of the same money exchange difficulties as Peru.

A Proven Model

Governments and educational institutions have recognized the many benefits of their residents going abroad, and have invested in formalized programs to facilitate the process. One of the most prominent examples is the European Union’s Erasmus+ Program, which offers opportunities for Europeans to study, train, volunteer or gain professional experience abroad across 33 program countries in the region. Erasmus+ currently benefits around 300,000 higher education students per year, and according to the Erasmus Impact Study, almost 1 in 10 former students who did a job placement abroad through the program has started their own company. Another notable program is the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, which “offers research, study and teaching opportunities in over 140 countries to recent [American] graduates and graduate students.” The Erasmus and Fulbright programs are just two of the many formalized study abroad programs that exist today.

Bottom Line

What the above businesses have in common, and what I would suggest each business owes in part to its founder’s time abroad, is the companies provide logical and simple solutions to real problems. As Iker Marcaide reflected: “I created a company for the mainstream. I didn’t invent bank accounts or payments companies; I just put the right pieces together to create value.” Going abroad offers a unique opportunity to develop a more informed approach to critical thinking — a rare chance to draw connections between distinct experiences, derive the most efficient solutions, and create value. But even if aspiring entrepreneurs can’t go abroad, they should strive to apply the ‘abroad mindset’ to their everyday life — to detect opportunity through experience, and master the art of problem seeking. After all, only once one becomes an effective problem seeker, can one become an effective problem solver.

Originally published at www.forbes.com on September 5, 2018.



Jonathan Moed
Startup Universal

World explorer, Founder @ Startup Universal, Forbes contributor. I write about tech startups & what it means to start-up in international startup ecosystems.