— Raise Money for Charities WHILE Building Startups & Side Hustles?!?

Note: Multiple projects/programs below are seeking partners and participants…


[Quick Background]
Jeff was a creative entrepreneur who had gotten very good over the years at creating viral concepts and content that engaged large audiences (see “” for a sample of our 40+ viral hits that each reached more than a million, and collectively reached 495 Million)… But, he fully admits that some of his most successful/viral stuff (beginning with The Original Rejection Hotline) was kinda dumb, juvenile, immature, and occasionally not used in the humorous, light-hearted manner in which it was intended…
“I’ve had a few personal epiphanies - which I’ll explain more about in the future - that kinda made me want to ‘grow up’ a little,” he explains. “So, my plan moving forward, is to start creating more “Viral Whatever” concepts designed to have a much more positive/charitable impact on society…”
[NOTE: Everything below is seeking Executors, Operators, Managers, Marketers, Program Coordinators, Influencers, etc.] If you’re interested in anything you see below, please CONTACT US us to get involved:

*************** Goals:

ALL “Whatever Network” ventures will donate a MINIMUM of 10% of any/all profits to various 501(c)3 charities…. Contact us for details and/or to work with us and/or to get your charity as a recipient:

Real Example! Even prior to a formal “Whatever Network” launch:

The beneficiary of our “Paw Penny” from purchases is Hope For Paws — Animal Rescue. As of Oct. 2018, we have donated more than $200! [P.S. if you’re not familiar with Hope for Paws, we’ll post one of their videos here. But, be warned, YOU WILL CRY! (and if you make it through without crying, I’m not sure we can be friends).]

Note: For our “whatever” categories that have many products, designs, etc., we are open to (and excited about!) having a different charity benefiting from ALL products/designs — and having different partners, marketers, managers, influencers, dedicated to each cause!!!

For example, our “Paw Penny” benefits Hope For Paws, but if YOU came on board and had another charity that you cared about, perhaps the “Star Penny” would benefit the Make a Wish Foundation (?) or the “Heart Penny” would benefit the American Heart Association (?) or the “Puzzle Piece Penny” would benefit Autism Speaks (?) or … But we need people to manage all these campaigns — JOIN US!!!


Charitable-Giving as a Recruitment Tool / Employment Perk?

- ALL “Startup Whatever” partners, employees, program participants, etc. will help decide which charities are the beneficiaries of each new “Whatever Network” venture. And/or the first profit-sharing partner on board for each product picks the charity beneficiary! [Full Details TBD, must be a legit 501c3 charitable organization, etc.] Contact us to discuss:


Do you work for a great charity?

Contact us — — for a free CUSTOM “Viral Whatever” campaign/product pitch to benefit your charity! No obligation, just let us do some creative thinking on your charity’s behalf! (NOTE: We’re not promising the next Ice Bucket Challenge, but we’ve created many viral ventures in the past, so we feel pretty good about our ability to help you raise a lot of money for various charities.) And/or just contact us — — so we have a direct line of communication if/when we have something you might be interested in!



What Charities (or Causes) are Important to YOU?!?

[New Program Idea — Open to anyone/everyone out there? Social Media Influencers? — though, like all our stuff, we need someone to run it!!]

  1. Pick a Product
  2. Help Promote it (social media or elsewhere)
  3. Proceeds Benefit the Cause that YOU Picked!


When we have products with multiple varieties, designs, styles, whatever — we would love to have each one benefit a different charity! For example, with our new “Whatever Pennies”, perhaps the STAR Penny would benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation and/or the PUZZLE PIECE Penny would benefit Autism Speaks and/or the CROSS Penny would benefit the American Red Cross and/or… CONTACT US — we have 100+ that might work for YOUR charity!


More info and more details on all of the above (and much more!) can be provided to those interested… Contact us — — to discuss (or to get involved!) with any of our stuff!



CoFounderator - ReThinking Entrepreneur Education

JOIN US in ReThinking “Startups” & Early Entrepreneur Education (via New Products, Content, Marketing, Side Hustles, STARTER STARTUPS?!?)