How Good Are You At THINKING? Spoiler Alert: 50% of you are BELOW AVERAGE!

(Don’t get mad at me — that’s just based on the DEFINITION of the word “AVERAGE!”)


We have taught THINKING CLASSES for years — but since very few people want to acknowledge they need to LEARN how to THINK, we feel we can actually help more people by simply SNEAKING all our “Thinking Lessons” INTO all our other Entrepreneurship (Product/Content/Marketing) Classes/Programs/Competitions — that will likely sound more fun/interesting.

So, whether they want to and/or whether they realize it, ALL @CoFounderator Program Participants WILL (unknowingly?) BECOME BETTER THINKERS — in 1/some/all of the following:

ENTREPRENEURIAL THINKING: Identifying opportunities and… (much more to discuss!)

CREATIVE THINKING: Yes, this obviously includes ideation & brainstorming of creative product/content/marketing ideas; but it’s SO MUCH MORE! … Creative execution methods? Creative testing methods? Creative cost-saving/time-saving methods? Creative outreach methods? etc. (much more to discuss!)

STRATEGIC THINKING — Some potential goals: Decreasing risk? Increasing reward (amount? probability? amount per dollar/hour?)? Decreasing costs (total? per unit/attempt?) Increasing speed/efficiency? [more to discuss!]

— Some CoFounderator-specific Strategic-Thinking methodologies: #MultipleBaskets: Resource-Sharing? Cross-Promotional Teams? Faster/Cheaper A-B Testing via #TransparentTesting and #CompeteCompareCollaborate Knowledge-Sharing? #ValueBeyondSales & #PACASM: Products AS Content AS Social Marketing? — as well as our “PACASM PROGRAMS (Learning/Testing/Building/Competing) AS Content AS Social Marketing? [much more to discuss!]



…why will ENOUGH PEOPLE care…?

…why will enough people care enough TO SHARE…?

…why will enough people care enough to share enough TO MAKE ENOUGH OTHERS AWARE…?

And, of course… WILL enough people care enough to share enough so that enough of their shares infect enough others who will also care enough to also share enough with enough others who will also care enough to also share enough… 😊 to Discuss/Debate (any of the above?) and/or to JOIN US for any of our @CoFounderator Programs/Competitions/Experiments



CoFounderator - ReThinking Entrepreneur Education

JOIN US in ReThinking “Startups” & Early Entrepreneur Education (via New Products, Content, Marketing, Side Hustles, STARTER STARTUPS?!?)