#PhilosoFounder Idea to Discuss/Debate: ASYNCHRONOUS COFOUNDERS?

[Side Hustlers, Students, STARTERS] as a bridge to [All-Stars, Experts, SCALERS]


ReThinkingStartups.com / CoFounderator.com
#DiscussAndDebate Topic#037

What if ONE of the reasons that ~99% fail is simply this:

A. What if those with the time, interest, passion, and hustle to START (potentially-)great businesses are just not (often) the ones with the experience/expertise to build/scale it into a great company?

B. Conversely, what if (many of?) those with the skill/talent, experience/expertise to build/scale great companies will simply no longer possess the time, interest, passion to do the hustling/grinding, a-b-z-testing & trial/error-tinkering to create the (potentially-)great products/services/software/whatever…

C. And, what if, entrepreneurial ecosystems that depend upon successful startups coming from the very few who are *BOTH* [ENOUGH of “A” *AND* ENOUGH of “B”] is a big reason that the status quo is a ~99% fail rate….
And perhaps we just don’t dig deep enough into “But, Why?”, instead choosing to rationalize it as “Well, Startups are hard.”

Yes, of course, startups are hard! BUT…
Beware of #StatusQuoBias

Contact info@StartupWhatever.com (or attend one of our CoFounderator.com events) to Discuss/Debate any of our “ReThinking Startups” Thoughts/Theories…


[Side Hustlers, Students, STARTERS… as a bridge to All-Stars, Experts, & SCALERS??]

Note: Let the record show, at the time of publishing this, there were ZERO exact matches for “Asynchronous CoFounders” on Google

P.S. And 2 days later, today (Mar. 6, 2021), our column is the only one :)



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