Our @MultipleBaskets “MR. MIYAGI” Methodology:

“Not Everything is as Seem.”


If you haven’t seen the original Karate Kid movie, SPOILER ALERT:

SUMMARY / SPOILER: Mr. Miyagi agrees to teach Daniel Karate…
But (first?) he asks Daniel to help him with some chores
(Painting his house, Sanding his deck floor, Waxing his car, Painting his fence, etc.)
And, for some reason, Mr. Miyagi is very particular on details like hand motion, positioning, etc.
(up-down for “paint the fence” / side-to-side for “paint the house” /
circular motion & locked wrist for “sand the floor” and “wax-on; wax-off”)

Daniel becomes frustrated…

“This is Bullsh*t…

[Waxing cars?]
[Painting fences?]
[Sanding decks?]
[Painting houses?]

…I haven’t learned a G*d-D*mn thing about KARATE!”

— Daniel LaRusso

“Not Everything is as Seem”

— Mr. Miyagi

We can potentially envision similar reactions from @CoFounderator program participants!

“This is Bullsh*t…

  • [Collecting $10 via Stripe by charging $1 for access to a Google Sheet w/ Typeform survey data?]
  • [Earning $50 creating/hosting a weekly recurring event on Zoom, scheduled via Calendly?]
  • [Generating $100 by creating/selling Baby Onesies via Canva + Printful + Shopify, Etsy, or Amazon?]
  • [Assembling/Leading a team of 3 in a #CompeteCompare @Zapathons Challenge involving one of:
    a) ZAPIER + Twitter or Instagram?
    b) ZAPIER + Twilio or Plivo?
    c) ZAPIER + OpenAI (GPT-3) ??? ]

…I haven’t learned a G*d-D*mn thing about STARTUPS!”

[hopefully NOT you if you participate in one of CoFounderator.com’s #CompeteCompare cohorts!]

“Not Everything is as Seem”

— PhilosoFounder

info@CoFounderator.com to discuss working with us
(as a Program Participant OR as a Program Partner!)



CoFounderator - ReThinking Entrepreneur Education

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