#SelfAwareness (or lack thereof?)

We asked 340 students to give an honest self-assessment in 16 areas (ranging from overall intelligence to creativity, from work ethic to leadership), with instructions of:


Compared to your peers (the other students at this event), how do YOU feel that YOU compare to THEM?
Don’t over-think it. Just answer HONESTLY. We ALL have Strengths AND Weaknesses!

I’ll come back to this column when I have more time to elaborate more on what the point was, what the results might imply, and why we think #SelfAwareness is so important — particularly for entrepreneurs!
[Editor’s Note: Who are you kidding?? — you have 237 columns just like this one that you’ve been planning to come back and edit or finish for years! And, weren’t you planning to write a book? And start a podcast? How’s all that coming along? Yeah, that’s what we thought.]
[Editor’s Note #2: Dear “Editor’s Note #1” — Shut the F up! Nobody likes your stupid “Editor’s Notes” anyway!]

Ok, we’ll just summarize for now and all our readers can draw their own conclusions…

[Editor’s Note: Did you just say “all our readers”?!? You’ve literally never even told anyone you have a blog! Do you really think you have more than like 7 readers?!?]
[Editor’s Note #2: Dear “Editor’s Note #1” — Now you’re really pissing me off!!]

340 people * 16 questions = 5440 “answers”

What those 5440 responses SHOULD (theoretically) have looked like:

1s: 1090 ( 20% )
2s: 1090 ( 20% )
3s: 1090 ( 20% )
4s: 1090 ( 20% )
5s: 1090 ( 20% )

What those 5440 responses ACTUALLY looked like:

1s: 12 ( 0.2% )
2s: 173 ( 3.1% )
3s: 869 ( 16.0% )
4s: 2139 ( 39.3% )
5s: 2247 ( 41.3% )


Intentionally (interestingly?), “Self-Awareness” was actually one of the 16 areas they were asked to self-evaluate. Now, you could argue that not everyone is familiar enough with the term to give an accurate response to that one, but, regardless… what that should have looked like was 20% for each response (1–5). What that actually looked like was:

1s: 0 ( 0.0% )
2s: 0 ( 0.0% )
3s: 32 ( 9.4% )
4s: 107 ( 31.5% )
5s: 201 ( 59.1% )

Ironically, it seems like everyone thinks they’re pretty great at self-awareness — even though the results seem to tell a very different story!



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