Most of the founders of this new v1.1 — reminds me a bit of that famous shot ;)

Startup42 has just released a major update — upgrade to v1.1!

Maxime Pico
Startup42 Stories
7 min readJun 3, 2016


Get to know the new teams the Startup42 command line will be applied to in the next 4 months!


Enhance your e-commerce sales thanks to a product recommandation engine that finally works for first time buyers!

Boobesh on the left and Mani on the right

Behind this great product is a team of two Indian entrepreneurs who already have an impressive track record.

Mani started by being the Tech Lead for several years in a company that was later acquired by Accenture. Then he founded OrangeScape where he built Kissflow, a workflow app, still number one of its category on the Google Apps Marketplace. He then left OrangeScape to start Guesswork. Working tightly with Google for years, he is now Google Expert number 5 in the world!

Boobesh, the sales guy, is the one in charge of cleverly feeding the code monster that Mani is. And you can only imagine that’s not an easy task! They have been working together since Mani’s last startup and have known each other for even longer. Boobesh understands his customers really well and always tries to find a solution that fits them.

They are now helping as many e-commerce as they can to multiply their sales. Contact them if you want to know more.


What if your notifications were automatically sorted by priority so that you instantly know what to do next without being distracted?

Bertrand and FX are making this dream come true. Get your invite and hop on a new zen life.

We trust Bertrand to build a product as good as his first hit: Virtual DJ, which gathered more than 150M downloads. Since then, Bertrand has founded other startups in the SaaS and CRM industry and he became an expert on the topic. Also, he is a big Angular 2 advocate, check his meetup here if you want to know more.

François-Xavier is a kind hustler. Passionate about this problem of prioritising notifications in order to make people efficient, he won’t stop until he understands his customer perfectly. His people skills come from his background: Sorbonne, admission to the bar, HEC and many other experiences.

Request a demo if you want to start being more focused at work.

Hektor Framework

Some say everyone will have to learn to code, others relentlessly simplify the access to the power of the code.

Moin on the left and Muntasir on the right — onto a big challenge

Muntasir and Moin are of the second kind. Building the future of WordPress. One where everyone will be able to craft a complex website with signups, forms and user types in a few clicks.

They have been working together for a while now, building startups in Bangladesh (where they come from) and in Malaysia. Their previous attempt failed because of the difficulties of selling online in these countries. Which makes any SaaS business… Impossible!

With very much grit they applied to the French Tech Ticket to put every chances on their side while building an even more ambitious project that could be the next step of internet/developing. Selected among +700 other projects, they are now in good hands!

If you think you’ll need to build a complex website soon, but you have close to zero knowledge on building a website, resquest a demo!

Le Poids Chiche

We all wanted to loose some weight at some point. It’s just not that easy. Well, maybe all it takes is the motivation Le Poids Chiche provides?

Nadim (left) and Yves (right) for their fundme video

For these three founders, it all started on a poker night with a simple bet: if their friend would loose 4kg, then they would give him all the money on the table.
It worked pretty well for him, why not for you?

Well, that’s exactly what Yves (CEO), Nadim (CMO) and Christian (CTO) thought. They now run one challenge per month where individuals bet on their own weight loss. During the challenge, Le Poids Chiche provides fitness advice and coaching from experts. At the end of the challenge, anyone not reaching the goal looses their bet and the winners share the pot.

So, what are you waiting to hop on the next challenge?


Ever tried to buy glasses online? Well it’s just not working so well. Simply because you can’t really imagine how you’d look like wearing them!

Trust three Vietnamese PhDs to change that forever. In a near future all your favorite eyewear-e-commerce will have virtual mirrors that will look out of this world… Or will they?

Chan , Son and Trung were already loving France and living here. So when they heard about the French Tech Ticket they jumped on the train in order to make a business out of their expertise in computer vision and machine learning.

Take a look at how good their algorithm is!


We all wished we could live be the hero of a great book or movie that inspired us. What if that could now be possible?

Tibor (left) and Jean-Noël (right) full of joy as usual

Two Virtual Reality experts are building the future of role-play and arcade gaming. Stories you could live with your friends for a time, stories where you could use magic and feel insanely powerful, stories where you would forget who you are to become who you always dreamed to be.

Jean-Noel has been fond of VR for many years now and this project slowly evolved in his mind (read his articles). Now helped by friends and other passionate people, he decided to surf on the recent VR gear releases to hack beautiful games into experiences that are out of this world

Tibor has been leading large projects for many years. His great energy allows him to sprint marathons. Exactly what is needed to tackle such a big challenge.

They always need testers for their games, so if you want to try a VR headset and a innovative game at the same time, contact them!


Getting excited for the Euro 2016? Every conversation with your friends are turning into a dogfight to know who is going to win? What about clarifying all that with easy to understand data!?

From left to right: Julien, Mick & David. Three soccer fans

Football geeks are going to love every bit of software the three data & football lovers at Statium are shipping.

Starting with a great calendar app that will provide you all must-have information about the Euro 2016. Thanks to this app you won’t miss a game, a result or a goal Most importantly, you will be able to bet against their score predictor stating who will win each game.

Mickaël, the CEO, has been the tech lead at Edupad. He scaled their app from 0 to 3M users. Behind his great product vision are Julien, the data scientist, and David an EPITA alumni and code magician.

So who will the euro 2016? You think you can beat the data?!

Wall of Music

Do you remember that feeling when you went to a record store to discover new artists. You would flick through all the covers, one caught your eye and you would give it a longer glance until you just bought it. Well you can live it again, right on your smartphone.

Frederic demoing his new awesome features

Millions of users are, right now, discovering new albums from their cover on an endless wall of music beautifully made by the very experienced Frederic Sigal.

After 10 years working at Apple and 8 years working at General Electrics this tech lover and great manager wanted to dig his hands into the code again.

In 2010 he created an bi-dimensional infinite scrolling wall for apps technology he then patented. Right now this technology helps music lovers to (re)discover countless albums in a really compelling way. But this could be a solution to many more topics.

Frederic is also helped by Séverine, an ex olympic-champion and now strategy consultant, as well as Denis an experienced Manager and Business Developer.

We can’t wait to see what’s next.

A session of experts

As a general note, I’d like to point out the incredible of expertise of this session. Each of the team have a really good team-product fit and/or team-market fit. With the methodologies and the network we will provide them, no doubts that they will be able to reach the next level!

However, this wasn’t the case of everyone applying and I wrote an article pointing that out: Why you are not the right founder(s) for your startup?

The advice you’ll find there is often underrated, but SO important. Please consider it while you look for an idea, your life will be much easier.

Follow me and Statup42 on Medium and Twitter (@MaximePico & @Startup42_) to read more awesome stories about entrepreneurship, growth hacking, lean startup and hackers… And of course check out Startup42, the best early-stage tech startups accelerator in Paris

Bonus: what happens to your open space when you host a VR startup

