Stop Dreaming and Start Doing.

Jim Blake
Published in
4 min readNov 2, 2016

You want to be an entrepreneur.

I get it.

Why else would you be here?

Actually… a lot of you are probably reading this article because you enjoy wasting your time.

Did you know that the average person lives to be just over 78 years old.

When you actually think about it, how much time do you really have to blow?

Maybe you’re wondering why I am asking these questions…

Let me explain…

I have the pleasure of meeting a ton of awesome people from around the world. Some of coolest, crazy motivated, enthusiastic people you could ever imagine.

Many of them are CRUSHING their own businesses in e-commerce, coaching, consultant services, retail and more! These entrepreneurs are truly enjoying the lifestyle they have allowed themselves to live and it is so much FUN to watch and learn from them.

I get asked a LOT of questions. Many of these questions come from people that WANT to be entrepreneurs. You might have heard the term WANTrepreneur floating around.

My goal RIGHT NOW is to get you from WANTrepreneur to ENTREPRENEUR!

WANTrepreneurs are people that have big DREAMS and GOALS. They have tons of IDEAS and honestly think they are the next BIG thing.

The problem is they never ACT. They don’t do anything that takes them from IDEA to EXECUTION.

Some of the reasons are:

  1. Time
  2. Money
  3. Legal
  4. Creativity
  5. Technology
  6. Location
  7. This list could continue on forever…

Here is the BIG SECRET that these WANTrepreneurs need to achieve SUCCESS…

You don’t want to miss this one…

Are you ready?

If you want to be a successful [REAL] entrepreneur, stop thinking about it and start DOING it!

It does not matter what your circumstances are.


You can do it RIGHT NOW!

In fact, if you stop reading this right now and actually go ACT on something that will move your business or idea forward you are probably more likely to be successful than the person that finishes this article :)

If you are still reading this… what else do I need to tell you? Here are some places you can start…

  • Start building a web page.
  • Go to a networking event, have a goal.
  • Create your social media pages.
  • Find ways to market your product or service.
  • Sign up with Paypal, Stripe, or some other service so you can start accepting money online.
  • Look for suppliers if you are creating a physical product.
  • Figure out how you can do it for cheap or free — THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!
  • Outline your sales funnel.
  • Where will your customers come from?
  • How much do you think they are willing to spend?
  • Don’t have a computer?
  • Borrow one, go to the library, use your smartphone (don’t have a smartphone? Find one on Craigslist, borrow one, ask a friend — you CAN do it!)
  • Don’t have money?
  • You don’t need money. Think of every way you can to do what you need to do without spending much money. Social Media is free, you can set up PayPal for free, you can build a website for free (it might have a “free website” footer… but who cares!).
  • Don’t Have time?
  • Make time! Outsource basic tasks. Sleep less.
  • Afraid of getting sued?
  • I’m not a lawyer — but until you are actually worth something… no one is probably going to want to sue you. So don’t let that be your excuse for never starting. Once you end up making so much money you don’t know what to do… go ahead and hire your own law team.

I have yet to hear an excuse that can not be overcome [please don’t test me].

Yes — there are going to be challenges. You need to expect those and understand that you are going to learn a TON by taking those challenges and tearing them up!

So… I will leave you with this. An easy 3 step process to making your DREAMS turn into REALITY!

  1. Have an idea / dream / business in mind.
  2. Think about the first logical step that you can do RIGHT NOW, that will turn your idea into reality.
  3. Complete that step… NOW.

Continue repeating steps 2 and 3 until you are a successful ENTREPRENEUR and no longer a WANTrepreneur!

No more excuses. Just results, money, a new lifestyle, happiness, friendships, travel, .. this list could go on forever…

So what are you going to do, RIGHT NOW to make your dream a reality?

No more thinking… just ACTION!

You’ve got this!



Jim Blake

I help Elder Law and Estate Planning attorneys book more consultations and get more paying clients. Marketer | Traveler | Motivator | Runner | Sales Pro