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2 min readOct 27, 2015

Polish2Publish — Dev Diary

25/10/2015 — Entry I

“Most people want to be circled by safety, not by the unexpected. The unexpected can take you out. But the unexpected can also take you over and change your life. Put a heart in your body where a stone used to be.”
Ron Hall


So I can safely confess I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into before rocking up to Ultimo Tafe early on a Sunday morning that begged me to stay in bed.

I was at even more of a loss when, upon stepping on to the coach, StartUpBus Sydney Co-Ordinator Imteaz Ahmed mentioned, as more of an aside rather than a stentorian announcement, that we’d be ‘pitching’ our ideas in an hour’s time.

Nonplussed was I, the poor writer/editor (among many other things) who had brought a book he was hoping to finish editing on the long, calm, and relaxing 11 hour bus ride up to Byron Bay he had been expecting.

“You’re not going to get it done,’ whispered my friend and fellow Busrepreneur Mukhlis after I raised my silent protestation at the notion of actually having to pitch something.

“Trust me.”


Not particularly. But I’d be lying if I said the prospect didn’t seem somewhat enticing.

I’m always thinking (some would say I overthink), so I figured an hour seemed about the right amount of time to transcribe my thoughts to the page, and hopefully bring forth something with character.

Oh, and also because I just registered my own company…

So, you know… carpe diem and all that jazz.



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