Annual nominations (and elections) for the StartupBus board

The StartupBus Team
The StartupBus Blog
2 min readOct 25, 2016

Fellow members of the StartupBus community,

Like other organizations, StartupBus has always had people leading strategy and decision making so that the things we do keep getting better and better.

Unlike most other organizations, the leadership are chosen by the community of people that were its customers, which in our case are Buspreneurs. The StartupBus Board of Directors serves as the highest decision making body, which consists of representatives from the community, the management team, and the shareholding. The Board runs the organization by owning our strategy, reviewing the performance of our activities, and overseeing the management of the organization.

This is a turning point for us. It all started over two years ago with the election of the Community Council, who worked with me as the founder to rethink StartupBus. On their advice, that led to the creation of the Board of Directions who became the new institutionalized body to take over formally from what was a heavily founder-led community. They seeded it and last year we had our first elected board members who joined them. This year, whoever replaces to fill the seats, will serve as the first full rotation of the board of directions since it was originally created.

We’re assuming, based on previous nomination periods, that more Buspreneurs than positions will be available, which is why when you apply we are asking you to fill in a potential election bio.

How do people nominate somebody?

Via email, by sending your nominee’s full name and email to so we are aware of them and can ask them in case they don’t see this notice. Ideally, however, you will have them fill out this application form

How many people can you nominate?

There is no limit, and yes, you can nominate yourself and it’s preferred. Go ahead and apply!

How long will these people serve in the Board?

It’s a two-year appointment. Currently, the board meets once a month formally though that may reduce in frequency in future to allow for more delegated authority with sub-committees who will meet as they see fit.

How long do nominations last?

Nominations will be open for a full week until November 7 2016. If more applications than positions occur, elections will be held a week after that.

The election committee will arbitrate on any issues.

Keep in mind that you will impact the entire strategy of a 1,500+ international organization, so choose wisely.

Any additional questions may be addressed to



The StartupBus Team
The StartupBus Blog

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