Applications now OPEN for StartupBus North America 2022!

Brian Davis
The StartupBus Blog
5 min readApr 19, 2022


Nope, it can’t be done…

It’s not possible to build and launch a product in three days! Are you kidding me? It involves several stages. First, market research to discover what customers want. Next, product development. Then, testing and customer feedback, more development, marketing, and of course, lots of crying. Afterwards, you clean yourself up and start pitching to any living creature willing to listen. Finally, a year or so later, you have a shiny new app you’re ready to bring to the market and say “Hello world. Pay me!”

Ok, so it can be done…

Then there’s the alternative: Starting a new business in 72 hours…on a bus with about 30 strangers…during the legendary StartupBus competition! StartupBus combines elements of an entrepreneurship bootcamp, a hackathon, and a pitch competition, then adds its own flavor. The result is a recipe that has been shared across 26 countries via a worldwide alumni community of more than 1,800 of the most talented and driven (pun intended) men and women in tech.

What’s the format?

During our bootcamp and competition, buspreneurs participate in our curriculum, accelerating through an entire first year of launching a startup in just five days (three days on the road + two days in the host city). They’ll form teams, conceptualize an idea together, build a product, pitch it to users and investors, and get traction with the goal of launching their dream startup within 72 hours, en route to Austin. But don’t worry! They won’t do this alone. They’ll be given guidance and support from world-class conductors, founders, technologists, and investors along the way.

Life After the Bus
On the last day of the competition, buspreneurs will be so buzzed with energy that they’ll want to tweet Elon Musk about their new startup — and he just might answer. But what else can they do with all that excitement? We’ve got it covered! As part of this year’s StartupBus contest, we’re launching a brand-new initiative we’re calling The LAB — which stands for Life After the Bus — where we’ll be incentivizing our winner with exclusive access to an ecosystem made up of StartupBus alumni and some of our special startup friends who can help hypercharge their business beyond what they could have done alone!

Alright, you’ve sold me. Where do I sign up?

Right here.

StartupBus North America 2022 is gearing up, and we’re ready to hit the road!

The catch is buspreneurs must apply. Seriously? That’s right! Our competitions have helped transform would-be entrepreneurs into successful tech founders, raising over $1B in capital and acquisitions.

We don’t take just anybody. We’re looking for awesomeness. We’re looking for you!

The Important Details

  • Dates: July 27 (Wednesday) to July 31 (Sunday), 2022
  • Destination: Austin, Texas
  • 7 Bus Routes: Florida, Mexico, New York, Texas, Latinxs In Tech, California, and Advancing Black Entrepreneurs.

Apply today at

Breaking fourth wall

Yes, everything I said was true. There really has been over $1B generated in funding and acquisitions. The organization does in fact have some of the most brilliant humans you’d ever want to meet. But, StartupBus is so much more than that. For me, it was the scene in the movies just before the old 80’s rock band montage. You know the one where the main character goes from being a scrawny kid to becoming prom king? That was me.

I’d spent over a decade in a career where I developed applications for large companies. I was the corporate guy. I never did a hackathon. I followed all the coding rules. I could tell you all the reasons why we should spend the first couple of weeks thinking about an idea before getting started. The thought of coding alongside a former lead engineer at Tesla (by the way, the nicest guy on the planet) was terrifying to me.

I felt out of place. But it turns out, it was only in my own head. Throughout the five day experience, I realized that I was just like the others on the bus. I was selected just like they were. Like them, I didn’t know how it would all turn out. My brain worked just as well as everyone else’s. Fast forward through all the pivotal moments as to not spoil the adventure for you…I walked away from StartupBus transformed in the most cheesy, most real way imaginable.

That one week away from home didn’t produce a winning idea, nor a million dollar product, but I stepped off the bus with a brand new swagger and a new belief. “I might not be the best in the world, but whatever challenge is in front of me, I know I can figure it out.” That new belief was enough for me to break through my self-imposed ceiling as a mid-level manager and I’m now well on my way to an executive role in tech. I have also simultaneously started my career as an entrepreneur. Outside of my family, it’s one of the best experiences I’ve ever had.

For an experience like that…you should apply.

Pitch for it

It’s important to get an invite code before you can apply. To get your code, pitch to us why you’re the perfect candidate for StartupBus by tweeting at @TheStartupBus or replying to this post on Medium. Bonus points if you include #ThinkInsideTheBus

Take care!

My awesome team and me!



Brian Davis
The StartupBus Blog

By day, I lead | At night, I code | All the time, I inspire…well, at least I hope to do so :)