All Stories published by The StartupBus Blog on November 04, 2013

Buspreneur interview with Tawanda Kembo

Tawanda Kembo has been a developer for half his life and is currently working at a start-up in the tourism space. He is inspired by the ability to inspire others and is passionate about Bitcoin.

  1. Who are you? Please describe yourself in…

Buspreneur interview with Marissa Brendel

Marissa Brendel is quite new to the entrepreneur space only having entered it in 2011. Regardless, she is already the owner of two companies (Ladies Dinner Events and AfriDiva) and feels like she is living her authentic life.

Buspreneur interview with Wilhelm Oddo

Wilhelm Oddo is the founder of Niwezeshe Lab (NLab), meaning ‘Empower Me’. He has taught himself much of what he knows about mobile development, having attended some interesting training seminars to cement his knowledge.

Buspreneur interview with Benedikt Wahler

Benedikt Wahler has an unwavering passion for Africa and has been working on the continent since early 2010. He believes that Africa needs to move away from the ‘brick and mortar’ mentality to a ‘hut and mobile’ one.

Buspreneur interview with Lucky Ncube

Lucky Ncube is a software developer, of very humble beginnings, who understands the value of hard work having put himself through school. He works in HIV/AIDS management and has an awesome idea to remedy a problem in this sector.

Buspreneur interview with Mark Gituma

Mark Gituma is a part-time MSc student in the field of Chemical Engineering at the University of Cape Town. He is passionate about the African agricultural sector and creating technology to support this sector so that it can support the African continent.

Buspreneur interview with Maria Meier

Maria Meier, fluent in 5 languages and well-travelled, discovered her unwavering passion for African tech innovation during a yearlong stint in Ghana. She is deeply experienced in the technology sector and gives others the credit for her amazing story.

Buspreneur interview with Antony Wainaina

Antony Wainaina holds expertise in the mobile development sector having been part of, amongst other ventures, the Microsoft Developer Network. He is an out of the box thinker and while enjoying lessons, he prefers them to be outside the classroom like on a