Behind the Scenes on the StartupBus Podcast Mini-Series…

Madelena Mak
The StartupBus Blog
1 min readMar 5, 2018


For those who wants one more(-ish) episode of theStartupBus podcast mini-series, here’s the behind the scenes with producer Eric Mennel, from the Telling The Story podcast:

“The StartupBus mini-series has five episodes, but going in I think it was only going to produce one episode. I thought it was going to be one 30-minute episode give or take,” Eric on letting the story happen.

Lots of interesting tidbits —how he began investigating into StartupBus, how he picked the characters to be featured, the creative processes of editing dozens of hours of recordings into 150+ minutes of content, the stories that needed to be cut, and a lot more!



Madelena Mak
The StartupBus Blog

UX Designer of sorts. Senior Director of StartupBus. Lover of beauty, designs, ideas, insights, and randomness.