Conducting the First Kansas City StartupBus

The StartupBus Team
The StartupBus Blog
1 min readApr 22, 2014

Ricky Robinett was one of two conductors on the inaugural Kansas City StartupBus. In this blog post, Ricky recounts some of the lessons learned and some of the more harrowing experiences on the route including this excerpt about driving on ice and spontaneous karaoke.

I-40W headed towards Little Rock is covered in ice and the bus has traveled 30 miles in 6 hours. I’m beginning to fear that I may have to tell the 20 entrepreneurs riding along that we’re going to pull over and sleep on the bus. That’s when it happens. Someone asks our bus driver Eddie to crank the radio and starts singing karaoke. It’s not long before the entire bus has joined in and we forget about the extreme circumstances we’re in. For me, this moment embodies what it was like to conduct the 2014 Midwest StartupBus. I was surrounded by incredible people who were constantly amazing me and I wanted to share a few things they taught me.

Read More “What Conducting The Midwest Startupbus Taught Me”



The StartupBus Team
The StartupBus Blog

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