FailPage — StartupBus Pacific

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The StartupBus Team
The StartupBus Blog
1 min readAug 30, 2014


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Error pages suck, and no one cares. We’re here to change that. FailPages is turning the boring ERROR 404 into the highest converting page of your website.

Our Mission

Failpage turns error pages into meaningful customer experiences. It allows businesses to analyse metrics in order to improve conversion rates and customize error pages in order to increase brand awareness.

Our Team

Thomas is the David Livingstone of the 21st century. Originally a full stack developer from Melbourne, he’s spent the last 4 years building and managing large trafficed websites across Africa Steph is a funky Parisian on exchange in Melbourne. When she’s not creating start-ups on a bus, she rambles down the streets taking pictures of quirky strangers for her photoblog “Gueules de Parisiens” (Parisian Faces). Dean is Digital marketing guru and always puts the team first. If he is not thinking of the next great marketing campaign you will probably find him surfing or out riding his bike.



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