StartupBus Africa partners with Raspberry Pi

The StartupBus Team
The StartupBus Blog
2 min readNov 12, 2013

Raspberry Pi makes its product available to StartupBus Africa’s buspreneurs
At StartupBus Africa, we are an amalgamation of talented individuals; one thing is for sure, I am not the tech savvy one yet I was handed the task of decoding Raspberry Pi so that I can tell you all about their partnership with us — StartupBus Africa.
For starters, the Raspberry Pi is, and I quote from their website “”, “a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard”. The Raspberry Pi is capable of doing many things that your desktop PC does and it also plays high-definition video. The Raspberry Pi team would like this little miracle piece of hardware to make programming something that young folks and curious minds all over the world can easily learn.
Now, the Raspberry Pi story is fascinating and inspiring; as one would imagine if such an incredible product is the outcome. In a nutshell, it is the story of 4 men who noticed a decline in previous knowledge of students of informatics and computer science on the various basics which enabled creative minds such as Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, Nolan Bushnell, Bill Gates and many more to create machines, games and software that have revolutionised industries. One of the problems they identified was a lack of access to a computer that kids could use to practice programming and such! How they went from that realisation to creating the Raspberry Pi is more or less mind-blowing. Please read their detailed story because I only have so much space and I still need to tell you about how Raspberry Pi is making StartupBus Africa even more awesome!
So, both Raspberry Pi and StartupBus Africa have visibility and interaction as two of their main goals. Raspberry Pi wants their device to find its way into the hands of every curious person so that these people can experiment, build, and create. They want as many use cases as possible and to especially see lots of photo and video material that is inspiring and shows the potential of one of, in the words of StartupBus Africa co-organizer Christian Oechtering, “The coolest open source hardware hacking devices”. And, as StartupBus Africa, we provide an abundance of creative people who will no doubt take the Raspberry Pi and do more then just experiment, build, and create; they will do everything to build a sustainable ecosystem of tech savvy restless minds for ideas and start-ups to grow on.
So, in the end, this partnership is about the cross pollination of two interactive, innovative concepts that can inspire and empower people to use and encounter their talents. And we are exceedingly grateful to Raspberry Pi for coming on board as a StartupBus Africa sponsor…
See some use cases of what you could do with the Raspberry Pi (It’s awesome!):



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