StartupBus Africa so far…

The StartupBus Team
The StartupBus Blog
1 min readNov 24, 2013

Day 5
We woke to the sweet surrounds of our accommodation at Evergreen in Bloemfontein and started the morning by visiting the Central University of Technology of Bloemfontein (CUT). At CUT we were privy to a presentation about entrepreneurship as well as the university’s in-house accelerator. As interesting as this all was, our visit was made even better by a visit to a FabLab at CUT. The lab is focused on research around advanced technology projects; it is also a place for students to get practical experience during their studies. But we had a 1000 km’s to cover before we got to Cape Town so we hit the road; after a stop for lunch at Steers Diner at Shell Ultra City we were well on our way. Our trip was riddled with internet and power struggles however, as with all things StartupBus — we dealt with these extremes and we conquered. Also, we must say how incredibly grateful we are to our sponsor African Internet Accelerator (AIA) for doing their utmost to keep the Wifi working to keep us online! Technically, we arrived on ‘Day 6’ at 02:14am…



The StartupBus Team
The StartupBus Blog

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