the Give Garden

The StartupBus Team
The StartupBus Blog
4 min readOct 27, 2015
Aussie Sunrise

The Give Garden

“Giving with your heart and your head, simply.”

Industry disruption is the defining feature of the startup age. AirBNB now rents more rooms a night than most international hotel/motel chains combined. Uber is revolutionising transport/logistics markets across the globe, all without owning a single vehicle.

Unfortunately, one industry has been left in the lurch.

Charities and NGOs essentially do two things: they try to gain funding and they try to use that funding as to provide the best social outcome. Sometimes they’re able to even pay their employees.

The dearth of liquid capital in these organisations provides little incentive for disrupters to enter the donation marketplace.

The Give Garden brings disruption and innovation to the charity and NGO sector through a hand-help app and a 3-step process aligning those who donate with charity organisations that reflect their values and mindset. A quick 3-step process introduces a donor to 5–10 charities from our database of Australian organisations.

This system will build the most comprehensive database of general public donations trends in Australia.


Once the values of donors and charities are aligned, users can read detailed analysis of the charities and NGO programs that suit them and decide to donate, save for later and even volunteer.

Comparing like-for-like charities encourages an improved relationship between donors and organisations as well as a high level of accountability on results.


A combination of digitisation and streamlining of the donation process reduces capital outlay on traditional marketing costs, while introducing charities to a new and massive pool of donors.

By making donation a one-click process donation is simpler than ever before, while the handheld device provides opportunity for our charities to achieve higher levels of spur-of-the-moment donation.


This is not an app for every Australian, but those who donate regularly and want to engage with charity in a deeper way.

As the Give Garden’s popularity grows, it will compile a detailed database of frequent donors from around the country. This database will revolutionise the main problem the charitable industry has been facing for over 200 years.

Providing charities with sophisticated information on frequent donors around the country will revolutionise the donation system.

For example, if a donor’s profile shows a focus on natural disasters, those organisations deploying immediately after a disaster can run fundraising campaigns with far greater sophistication and efficiency than has ever envisaged.

This is the true disruption of Give Garden and the value for our clients.

Nerd Alert

Frank the Dev

Analysis of the most recent ABS data published in mid-2014 shows that Australian individual donors (not: companies, trusts, or “non-tax contributors” including volunteering value) claimed deductions on income tax payments approx. to $2.29 billion for FY 12/13.

Work-place-giving has barely scratched the surface of this total. In the equivalent period, workplace-giving programs such as Good2Give provided $29 million of the $2.29B total or approximately 1.3% of the total.

In that same year, approx. 4 million Australians volunteered at over 50,000 non-profit institution (NPI). There is further opportunity to expand the apps usage to create relationships between members of the general public who wish to volunteer.

There is further scope for the app to organise and store FY charitable tax deduction receipts and provide a report for an individuals tax accounting purposes.


Founded on the 2015 Australian Startup Bus, the Give Garden disrupts the stale process of finding and interacting with donors

We intend on creating a major disruption to a little evolved process that began in 1813 with the foundation of Australia’s first charity. By aligning the values and mindsets of donors and charities along with a focus on accountability of outcomes, the Give Garden creates a more intimate relationship and ultimately an increase in size and frequency of donation.

To bastardise an economics analogy, we’re increasing the pie for all charities, while also helping organisations to compete to increase their share of pie.

Bob Tronson, Managing Director

Frank Huang, Technology Director

Marc Orro, Design Director

Charlotte Ekstrom, Marketing Director


The Team



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