There’s a strategy for that!

The StartupBus Team
The StartupBus Blog
2 min readAug 31, 2016

I’m a techie and there’s this one thing we technology nerds often forgot: how are we gonna make money from the products we build? How are we gonna achieve our goals so the company we’re building can keep existing?

Well, to achieve your goals you need a strategy and that’s why I’m happy to announce that we’re partnering with Strategy Academy to help our buspreneurs of class StartupBus Europe 2016 with developing a strategy to launch their startups in less than 72 hours. I’m happy to announce this because they’re still in beta as they’ll only launch in September with a strategies for rapid growth and how to discover and develop opportunities.

Strategy Academy logo

Their website will feature free resources including videos, podcasts, blogs and interviews with entrepreneurs to help you grow not only your company but also yourself.

There are many complex aspects to starting, growing, maintaining and selling a business.

Our tag line is “there’s a strategy for that!”
- Gregory Giagnocavo, founder of

Their founder Gregory Giagnocavo has 30 exciting years of experience as an entrepreneur discovering and developing new opportunities. His ventures include writing and publishing books about the Internet beginning in 1992, starting an ISP in 1994, doing VoIP from 2004, as well as being a real estate developer of $50M+ in projects. He will be joining our UK bus to mentor the startups reach growth.

StartupBus UK 2016 is one of four buses participating in StartupBus Europe 2016, Europe’s most intense hackathon. Follow the competition from 2 till 7 September 2016 live on Twitter and on Facebook.



The StartupBus Team
The StartupBus Blog

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