Venn provides the wifi for StartupBus Belgium 2016

The StartupBus Team
The StartupBus Blog
2 min readAug 8, 2016

Last year the Belgian bus used Belgian startup Venn as a wifi provider to ensure reliable internet on board of the bus. This is why we’ve decided to have them as a wifi provider again for 2016!

If you don’t know Venn, Venn delivers connectivity solutions in B2B based on bonding services of multiple mobile and/or fixed connections. Their services allow transportation companies (busses, ships, trains, trams, even cars) to have multiple networks working together at the same time creating bigger network coverage, more stability and more speed. Their services can also be used to connect on any remote or temporary location (events, construction sites,…), it is plug and play, it is that easy. Next to this Venn can create a failover solution or bandwith increase solution to have a faster and more resilient connection. All this as an all-in service, including hardware, software, mobile data, support, …


Contact Venn for more information on

StartupBus Belgium is one of seven buses competing in the StartupBus Europe 2016 competition. Conducted by Ann Glorieus and Lien Van Den Steen, the bus will depart with 20+ developers, designers and hustlers towards Pirate Summit in Cologne, Europe’s craziest invite-only startup conference. During the 72 hour road trip the participants have to conceive, build and launch new startups.

On Monday 5 September, all buses will convene at the beautiful Corda INCubator in Hasselt (Belgium) for StartupBus Demo Day. All startups born during the road trip have to present their MVP in front of a bunch of experienced entrepreneurs and investors.

If you want to apply, then head on over to and hit the “Apply” button.



The StartupBus Team
The StartupBus Blog

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