Startupers public pitch deck

Startupers Pitch Deck

Maxim Moneta
Published in
3 min readApr 21, 2020


As any other startup business, we also have a pitch deck, even it is hosted and presented on our own platform :)

Pitch Content

Catch-22 for startups

Startups do not have a daily to use the platform to show their activity, encourage supporters and declare their goals and needs. Founders don’t have a quick way to engage the community, investors and potential partners to get into their product or solution.

Startup consultants are the real celebrities, community leaders, local TEDx stars, Startup Grind panel hero’s, but the most of the startups don’t know how to get their help and there is no marketplace for them. Paradox situation

Routines Everyone Does

Every stakeholder does a review of the startup or business of the interest and in the most cases it takes the following steps
scout startups according to the criteria
✓ check pitches, videos and slides;
✓ collect information about their activity, founders, team
✓ inspect potential needs and field of interest
contact matching business

The Solution is a Platform

The platform to become a Linkedin for startups

Professional social media where every business or startup can create a business page, show the pitches, activity and declare their needs

Community follows pages, reads the timeline, reacts on requests and can contact founders. Chatbot makes match-making of business, consultants and startups based on their data

Target Audience

Startup ecosystem consists not only of startup founders. Community hubs and organizations, accelerators, incubators, venture capital firms, consulting business, outsourcing companies, innovation departments of corporations are all the parts of the ecosystem. They collaborate, partner up, buy and sell to each other.

The startup community is the most engaged, helpful, high-skilled and the same time — altruistic community in the whole world of business and entrepreneurship

Swiss Army Knife for Startups

Our Vision

We exist to save the startup world from horrifying statistics of early-stage
fatalities, to give an innovative business on every stage equal and well-deserved access to all the possibilities and necessary care. The best way to achieve this is a free platform which is engaging the community to unite and achieve goals

People think that innovation is a breakthrough that is changing humanity. We disagree with this. Innovation is a permanent and required movement of
technology and knowledge forward, which is the only humane way to progress.

Innovation is not an end stop, it is not a milestone — it’s a difficult permanent
process, which must not stop. Every process needs keepers, guides and believers. Keepers are the experienced entrepreneurs, guides are startup consultants and experts, believers are creating new business while you are reading this

That’s why Startupers exists — we light a path for them all to gather and unite

Join today or stay behind

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Maxim Moneta

Startupers Online platform founder and CEO. Boosting startups to become a business