Stop acting like you’re not in control

Brandon Cannady


It’s been a very long time since I’ve been on here writing! I’ve been in startup mode yet again working on a new business and it’s consumed a large majority of my time and focus (as it should). Since my last post, we’ve seen about five months of time pass, a presidential election and half the world acting as though the sky is falling. It seems fitting to make my “coming back post” all about being in control of your potential.

It’s easy to identify people that are in control of their lives and people that react to things in life. You don’t need to look any farther than Facebook to see these people. I would like to clarify by saying that there is nothing wrong with these people, it’s just not the most productive use of mental space. I find that in the precious 24-hours I have in my day; any distraction in my life takes away from something I could be productive with.

So what should you do if you would like to be more productive and less reactive?

  1. Let things go! This is especially true about politics. I get that there are things to be upset about, but to pick a part every single thing as if it’s going to destroy the fabric of your life is nonsense. Choose your battles wisely and get over the other 90% of things that come through the pipeline. Ever wonder why most of these stories are hyper inflated… It’s to distract you from being productive and doing something useful. By allowing these distractions take over, these media outlets and people take over your attention and mold your agenda.
  2. Learn something! If you have enough time to react to media, you have enough time to learn something new and useful. If anything, learn more about the thing you intend on reacting too as you may find that your initial instincts are way off. I’m a huge fan of expanding your mind and taking advantage of all that is available to me. One thing I’m passionate about is writing. Granted, I’m not very good at putting my thoughts out in text form. I lack in the areas of grammar, punctuation, and overall flow. However, I continue to practice and I have some people that read my stuff after the fact and I learn.
  3. Be positive! There are so many things in life to be excited about and being a reactful person takes away from that. When a person is continually on the defense, it stripes away joy. Choose to be intentional about the things in your life that you can control and expand upon those. I would rather invest 30 min of my time playing with my daughter than arguing politics with someone on Facebook, but thats just me ;)

In the end, we are truly in control of our futures. Take a moment to realize that and start creating a positive pattern in your life.

P.S… Thank you for taking the time to reading this post. I’m excited to get back into things and make a regular habit of writing. If you would like to connect with me, here’s how!






Brandon Cannady

I'm an earliy retired stay at home dad that enjoys a good read! Hopefully you find these books enjoyable!