Stop Doing a Side Hustle!

To start, I should define what I feel is a side hustle. A side hustle is something you do passively for extra income while you do something else for regular income. These are often defined through network marketing things where you sell a product and make a commission on selling it to people. I want to be fair! I don’t hate these companies, as they serve a purpose and people do create lives through them.

Brandon Cannady
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2016


So what makes side hustles ridiculous to me?

It all comes down to being passionate about what your doing.

I’ve encountered a number of people throughout the course of my life the sell things or services that really have no business doing so. They get sold on the amazing riches it can yield all to give up three weeks later after breaking even on their initial investment. These people love to represent the hustle and lifestyle of being self-employed and really have no clear path in doing so. Is it really their fault though? I think it all starts with recruiters that get people excited about the money and not the actual opportunity.

When you’re truly self-employed, there is no “side hustle”, there is just hustle! You wake up with a burning passion to go out and do whatever you can to sell what you’re selling. You’re up at night thinking of new and innovative ways to sell more and reach new customers. Lastly, you couldn’t imagine doing anything else with your life in pursuit of your ultimate goals.

Just as much as I rant on the side-hustle, I’ve met people that are part of these organizations that are truly passionate about what they sell. It shows in their dedication and work ethic and should be rewarded for their efforts. I know that selling things like Advocare, Medifast, legal shield, etc. can produce someone with an amazing amount of money. People that do very well, do it for a purpose higher than money. They do it because they have a passion to see other people benefit. If you are doing things for your own gain or focus, you will be greatly discouraged. It must always be for the customer and that should be very obvious up front.

Here is my recommendation to anyone considering starting a business.

1. Are you doing it because you love it?

Is there a burning passion to do it? Can you see yourself pouring everything you have into it to see it grow and prosper? If you can answer this question that’s a great start

2. Can you see yourself doing it without getting a paycheck?

Are you willing to sacrifice your lifestyle to make this a reality? It always helps to have a supportive spouse involved both financially and emotionally.

If you can answer both those questions, it’s safe to assume you’re doing it for the right reasons. When you start expecting a payoff upfront, you’re focusing too much on the personal gain and not what’s best for your customers. So many friends and strangers have burned me because I didn’t buy from them. They would pressure me till I would say no, than never reach out again because I want not fruitful for them.

I’m personally all about benefiting people and considering myself last. When my company was struggling, I chose to sacrifice my salary initially to ensure staff and customers came first. Nothing else mattered because they were all taken care of. In the end, I sell to people and they will decide to buy or walk away. I know that I sell on value and that it’s not for everyone. I want everyone to leave knowing that all I care about is their experience and not their business.

I hope you finish reading this article with a little more appreciation for the actual hustle and not the temporary and fleeting money. I you do it because it’s your path to being a millionaire I am nearly positive you will fail very quickly. Put in the work and stop pre-spending the money you think you’ll earn.

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Brandon Cannady

I'm an earliy retired stay at home dad that enjoys a good read! Hopefully you find these books enjoyable!