5 Startup Mistakes B2B Startup Founders Should Avoid

The StartupGeist Podcast
2 min readMay 27, 2016

By Danny Holtschke from StartupGeist

#1: Customers

  • Mistake: Not talking to target customers (‘get out of the building’)
  • Advice: Solve your own problem (‘scratch your own itch’)

#2: Team

  • Mistake: ‘One-night-stand’ mentality
  • Advice: Different skills in the team, but similar values and motives

#3: Product

  • Mistake: Talking about ‘features’ all the time
  • Advice: Take the customer’s perspective and talk about ‘benefits’

#4: Funding

  • Mistake: Asking yourself how you can raise venture capital
  • Advice: Rather ask yourself how you get paying customers

#5: Business Model

  • Mistake: Seeing it as a ‘project’ instead of a company.
  • Advice: Generates revenue from day 1.

(3) + 5 MISTAKES Founders must avoid #SCB14 from Danny Holtschke

Closing remark on startup mistakes

In the future, I’ll use StartupGeist to share many other insights with you from entrepreneurs and startup founders around the world. When I came back from California, all I wanted to do was found a company….. without ever asking why or with whom.

In an extremely naive way, I took the first opportunity there was and committed myself.

It could have worked out…

Nevertheless, I now think that I could have been smarter by asking better questions.

But I didn’t have any guidance.

If you are in a similar situation right now, please use the comment section to post your questions or send me an email.

I will do my best to help you and provide some guidance on issues you may be facing in this overwhelmingly busy and complex world.

Learn from five mistakes B2B Startup Founders should avoid — even though everyone needs to make their own experiences — just try to remember and embrace mistakes of others as much or as less as you want.

Share your ❤ below — and respond with your thoughts.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Fearlessly love and build the life you truly deserve.

I am Danny and started StartupGeist to help students and recent graduates build a business — and have a good life. Why? To be free, financially independent and healthy. How? Build a growth mindset and deliberately practice skills that turn your ideas into something bigger.

StartupGeist.com | StartupGeist | Danny@StartupGeist.com

Originally published at startupgeist.com on February 2, 2016.



The StartupGeist Podcast

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