About Soundcharts

Upon searching for music start-ups and innovative ideas surrounding music we stumbled across “Soundcharts”. Soundcharts is fairly new to the game, offering a plethora of option to its users and giving them the opportunity to upload their music and become famous artists.

Based in Paris and launched in 2016, it has already made headlines. Describing it with a single sentence; it is a data base for musicians and music professionals all over the world. An analytics platform.

This market intelligent system, shows the music industry’s current and upcoming trends, by monitoring social and streaming activity in real-time on a daily basis. To help people understand how the platform works, founder and CEO David Weisfeld has stated; By market intelligence, we mean that we monitor the global consumption and engagement (social metrics, charts positions, playlists on DSPs and airplay from global stations). By productivity/workflow, we mean that we don’t show the data in a raw spreadsheet-looking format, but rather help our users work more efficiently by showing the right data at the right time (alerts, reports, in depth views, overviews etc). Its’ like the Bloomberg Finance of music.

By using Soundcharts, music professionals can work more efficiently. Both for those already producing music and wanting to extend their platform and for undiscovered talents. Constant reporting is a god send tool for music labels searching to scout new talent. With one tap/ click users will be presented with an artists’ full profile, reviewing their performance and even analytically comparing it to another artist if wanted. This last feature, enables users to track competition, avoid missed opportunities and strive for success.

All these services, come as a basic/standard/premium plan. The basic plan is about a single person and the standard and premium is offered as a team package. Ultimately, the cost is about 19€ per artist for each month.

Soundcharts, has been one of the most used websites thanks to the friendly dashboards and the daily updated database. While using the website, we had the chance to see that the efficiency of their service is still not at the maximum of their potential as the company is relatively new and in a new market segment. Some parts of the system are still not available and new features are added often. As on one side this could be a negative comment, we think that the initial stage of these platforms is the most exciting. This is the time when your voice can be heard and suggestions can be made, the service is improving really fast and the customer service is working really well. Most of its users are very happy with the platform though.

In the last years, the company has reached the biggest media outlets such as Hypebot or Forbes, who wrote articles about the impact of the company on the music market. In the summer of 2016, Soundcharts managed to close to their Seed Round with €320,000 that helped and will help their rise. MusicAlly has also reported the company as one of the top 30 music startups to watch in 2017, and the owner and founder David Weiszfeld is trying to share their vision and mission in many music conferences all over the world.

If you never heard about Soundcharts, I would suggest you give it a look and understand how could this platform be helpful for the music industry workers.

In conclusion, this website is really helpful and rising to be one of the most important tools for the future of the music industry.

Our team: Dikibo Kwnstantina, Konstantina, Marianna Menegatou, Amelia K., Eva Vasiou






