Audio Innovation Journey- Our start up “Melody finder”

As a team-Adapt Advertising Agency team and after a lot of brainstorming in order to invent a creative and innovative start up, we came up with the MusicFinder app. This application allows users to easily and quickly find songs that they do not remember the name of by humming the melody. We found this idea quite useful and different as after a thorough search in Playstore and Appstore, we didn’t find any similar app. The target audience we chose to address is Gen z(18–25), Gen Y(25–40) and Gen X(40–50). The reason we chose a fairly wide audience is that music is something that we come into contact with in our daily life several times, regardless of age. So as much as a melody is likely to get stuck in an 18-year-old’s head, it’s also likely to happen to a 40-year-old.


Therefore, focusing on the problem that many times people in our daily lives have- they remember the melody of a song but cannot recall the title, we created this application that provides a solution to this. In order to reach the public, understand their needs and confirm the existence of this specific problem we conducted a secondary survey with a questionnaire. From this, we concluded that the majority would use such an application.

In addition to recognizing a song by humming , the application offers other opportunities. More specifically, it stores the user’s preferences resulting from his searches and suggests similar songs in case the user searches for them at some point. It also enables users to share their search results with their acquaintances, thus increasing user interaction and expanding the app’s existing audience.


The application we have thought of, finds songs easily and quickly by humming a melody or from reciting the lyrics of a song. It stores the user’s preferences and creates a corresponding playlist or suggests related content based on users’ music interests. It’s an easy-to-use app that anyone, anywhere can use without having to write down the lyrics. In this way the user experience and interaction are totally increased. The application is friendly for the user, and it does not require special knowledge to use it. It offers a completely different experience from the other applications.

Impact – Go to Market Plan

The target group we want to approach is Gen Z, Gen Y and Gen X. We thought about the option of free and premium version. The free version includes 1 search /24 hours. We also run ads in our app’s interface and earn money out of it. In the premium version, users will pay a certain amount of money and purchase additional features within the app. The features are ads free usage and limitless searches. There is also a free trial period of 5 days. As potential incomes we plan to reach 30.000 sales (premium subscriptions) through this first year of our advertisement on this channel and presence on the market. The channel that we use is TikTok. The content of our videos will be various tutorials aimed at educating the public about the use of our application. The application is friendly for the user and the interaction is increased. We give also immediate responses to our users and we have a great customer care.

Our presentation for the app

Let’s now take a look at our app-appearance and structure! As you can see, in these pictures are shown our home page and second page! We first welcome you in our app, giving you instructions on how to use it properly and quickly. After your humming we show you your special results..! Ads or warnings are also appearing in second page when a problem occurs.

To continue, we could not ignore the significance of our customer journey map( ) and our personas.In short ,they led us to successfully keep our focus on a certain-unique target audience. After our detailed research we came to conclusions about our marketing strategy, the needs and desires of our customers that we should be able to face, the values we want to promote and problems that may occur during our launching .

At this point, it’s necessary to refer and show our value proposition. The framework we made was undoubtedly helpful for us in ensuring that our service-app is positioned around our users-target audience’s desires, values and needs. In that way we detected possible “blanks” that we had to fill in, we noticed our special features- what makes us unique in comparison with our competitors and the needs and fears of our customers that we should be able to deal with .

Our research

Furthermore, by carrying out quantity research( questionnaire: 95 people answered, 90% of them positive) we managed to reach an audience and understand deeply and purely the desires, needs and problems our customer face . And last but not least, we managed to find out whether they would be interested in investing a normal monthly or yearly amount of money to download this app and have access to our services. So let’s have a quick check in indicative questions we positioned to them.

  • How many times have you been in a situation where a melody is stuck in your head , but you cannot recall the song or know the name of the song that comes from?
  • Would you be interested in purchasing an app which will recognise the song that the melody comes from by just humming it or saying the lyrics by yourself?( besides writing the lyrics, which is also included in our services).


To conclude , our experience in this audio innovation journey was absolutely one of the most interesting and educational . We developed our brainstorming procedure, we learned deeply how to promote our features and how to face possible difficulties and risks in setting a start up business- app. However, there is no doubt that by using all the special business tools properly and focusing on them, by reaching your audience by conducting researches devoted to them and in understanding deeply their needs, desires and fears and having at the same a creative thinking mind, the chances of making your start up a successful story are high and without taking “dangerous” risks.

Co-authors : Anna K. Efthymaki Anastasia Marnoutzidi Marinamouratiadi Anastasia Tsatsouli Evangelos Papadopoulos Komselis

Our collaborators:

Betty Tsakarestou Domnika Skreta

