Become Accessible, when CSR meets audio

As this year’s Ad and PR Lab was coming to an end, it was time for COLAB to pitch our audio innovation start-up to our mentors under Domnika Skreta’s guidance.

Since the very start of this journey we tried to come up with initiatives that would have a social impact and target an existing issue. Keeping in mind that our goal was to incorporate the audio innovation element in our final idea, we started leaning towards the issue of visual impairment.

After many sessions, research and guidance we refined our idea according to the given feedback while keeping, nevertheless, our initial pilars in mind. This is how Become Accessible was born. A platform with the aim to be used in businesses’ CSR programs who strive to make their workspaces accessible and friendly for visually impaired people (both customers and employees). Through audio courses and talks/lessons in collaboration with specialists from various fields, the goal is to educate and practically train people on a social level too.

Through hackathons and strategic partnerships the goal is to evolve and help build audio tools the will also facilitate the daily life of a visually impaired person, helping make their work life easier and more efficient.

All in all, with Become Accessible we have a human-centered solution to a social problem, combining technology and audio innovation and providing a measurable impact. Being specific to this particular area gives us the oportunity to specialize and learn in depth what is necessary for those people around us.

It’s safe to say that we are closing another lab with amazing partnerships, ideas and oportunities to grow thanks to Ms Betty Tsakarestou and we would be really grateful if our idea could contribute to that.

