Comm-unity; our start-up idea

During this year’s start- up lab, we were asked to present our own audio- innovation idea. In collaboration with Antenna Music, Betty Tsakarestou and Domnika Skreta gave us the motive to create Comm-unity, an audio innovation app focused on helping people with language/ cognitive disabilities to learn how to express themselves and speak with more confidence, with the aid of occupational and speech therapists. The app’s name derivers from communication and unity, as we believe that everyone has the right to communicate properly, despite the difficulties.

At first, we decided to create two personas in order to have a deeper insight into our target groups and to learn more about the problems that these people face, a student that has speech disabilities and a speech therapist.

Based on our research we decided to go with a system like the talk to me/text to speech app but with some important changes. More specifically, the user will be typing the phrase of his choice and immediately the system will be converting his writing into audio. At the same time, the app will be offering standard phrases that one can use in several day-to-day communication cases. But this won’t be the only system’s function. Through the cooperation of speech and language therapists, the user will have access to experts’ advice on the difficulties he is facing while at the same time being able to practice and keep track of his progress.

Our business model canvas

The app will also be developped with the help of speech language pathology centers so as to provide the app’s users with well trained professionals’ advice. These cooperations include SELLE, Logo-psichografima and DI.KE.PSY. As a way of promoting the app, there will be social media campaigns, a podcast (where people with this kind of disabilities will talk about their daily problems with experts) and a TV spot, ( that will promote the app and will show the different functions of it).

Marketing Runners team: Χριστίνα Κόκκαλη, Αγγελική Σκουφούλα, Δήμητρα Στεργίου, Agathi Tagari

