FaveFest Startup

On the duration of Startup lab, our team had the exciting opportunity to focus on Music Industry. The Big Challenge for us was to invent an innovative, groundbreaking idea, that fills a substantial gap in this field.

We would like to thank Betty Tsakarestou (Profeccor) and Domnika Skreta (Instructor) for their useful insights and support.

Team (The Marvels): Rebecca Bacharnikou, Maria Kakoliri, Nena Nicolaou, Dimitris Troupos

Our idea

FaveFest is a innovative music startup, that gives artists the opportunity to promote their work. At the same time, music fans can discover new music tracks and vote their favorite artists via their smartphones.

We bring to light exceptionally talented artists and give audience
the chance to create their dream festival, based on their music preferences…

Business Model

The Business Model Canvas contains nine basic building blocks: Value Propositions, Customer Relationships, Customer Segments, Channels, , Revenue streams, Key Activities, Key Resources, Key Partnerships and Cost Structure.

Customer Segments and Value Propositions

Persona 1 (Artist)

Persona 2 (Music fan)


Website (http://favefest.tilda.ws)

The visitors can find out more about our values and services. We also provide, a usable platform, through which users (artists) can create their music profile and manage their dashboards.

App (Technical demo)

The users will be able to download the FaveFest’s application on their mobile devices. All users must create an account before being able to access and use our application. Then, they have the opportunity to discover new aritsts and vote their favorite songs.

Landing Page & Registration Form
Artist Profiles

Social Media

Facebook Page
Instagram Account

Follow us on Social Media: Facebook & Instagram.

Full Presentation

