Hello! ADroits here!

As one of the teams of this year’s AD& PR LAB we took off as a startup business trying to create our own audio app. But let’s start from the beginning…

The first stop of our journey towards the final pitching of our start up idea was the understanding of the audio world. What exactly are audio platforms? Are there specific categories of audio platforms? What characteristics do they have? And many more unanswered questions…

Our steps?

First of all, we did detailed study on the audio world. We read articles regarding the audio business and we proceeded with doing a thorough research on the categories of the audio platforms that we found. Music, radio, podcasts, audiobooks, AI & social audio are the ones that we found.

We should highlight the fact that, since social audio platforms are widely known worldwide and reach a wide audience, we thought it would be best if we created a platform of this kind. But what exactly are these platforms?

Social A udio platforms are a subset of social media where users can communicate by audio on a shared app. Similar to podcasting, but with real-time, interactive features, these platforms allow users to connect via audio without text or video.

source:https: //reputationpartners.com/

As a next step, for each one of these categories we found a great amount of examples of already existing platforms, in order to focus on our main competitors. We gathered information about audio start up businesses between the years 2020 and 2022 and examined the features of the apps they offer and their services. Then, we proceeded with creating a mapping of them, so it would be easier for us to categorize them based on 4 parameters: passiveness, interactivity, utility & entertainment.

Finally, after studying and reviewing many different platforms we moved on to finding possible gaps in the audio business. Worth mentioning are the very interesting findings that we came across. Most of them were related mainly to accessibility, inclusion and diversity. Unfortunately, in the audio platform business there aren’t that many apps that address to users from different social groups.

So, as young startuppers, we saw the opportunity and grabbed it. We decided to focus on inclusivity and came up with the idea of creating an app that not only will provide woman with different backgrounds and difficult life paths with the right means for adapting to our society but also give them a safe online space in which they could communicate and reach out.

Our main goal was to create something meaningful and worth using while also helping and making a difference.

Check out our Miro board! https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOzw_vAA=/


In reference to the second part of our journey, we were assigned the task of creating our own business startup. From scratch! But not just any startup. One that would bring a positive change in the audio world. How? By making it less racist and more inclusive. In other words, the goal was to build an application that would refer to or include (or both) people of a certain social group. People that were possibly facing discrimination, racism, neglection e.tc.

Although fascinating, making your own startup and especially one with a social purpose is quite a challenge. After spending hours and hours thinking of different concepts and discussing different alternatives, we finally came up with a creative idea. According to the mapping of our competitors, most audio platforms aim at serving basic needs related to human entertainment while also keeping the user in a more passive state (radio, audiobooks, platforms for music streaming, platforms for podcast listening). In terms of interactivity the only platforms -apart from social audio platforms- that allow the user to have a more active role, are platforms for music or podcast creation. That is to say, that while there are many platforms used for entertainment, there is only one category that has a more practical use and helps people perform specific tasks. AI platforms. However, AI platforms don’t keep the user engaged either.

Those findings reveal a gap in the audio market, indicating a serious lack of platforms that combine both interactivity and utility. Based on the abovementioned and acknowledging that social audio platforms are the ones that offer the most opportunities for exploration and innovation out of all the other categories, we decided to focus our efforts on creating a social audio app.


As young startuppers, we founded our business idea on the top 3 opportunities that aroused after our research on the audio field. Those opportunities include: innovation, inclusivity and specialization. In terms of innovation, it was made clear that there is still plenty of room for new ideas and techniques to make the user experience more interesting and pleasing. As for inclusivity and specialization, it is essential that these platforms become open and accessible to minorities (e.g., disabled people) and also more thematic/specific. It is true that nowadays people value exclusivity more than ever before. This means that they are more likely to appreciate platforms that are less chaotic and dedicated to one issue/topic/group/community.

These discoveries led us to the creation of BuckleApp. An app made BY and dedicated TO women in Greece. What makes this app unique is that it prioritizes women, focusing on those in disadvantageous positions who face difficulties and/or discrimination in their everyday lives. More specifically, we refer to divorced women, women with disabilities, women refugees, ex-addicts, ex-prisoners, Roma etc. Through this social audio platform, we aspire to create a safe cyber environment where women will have complete freedom of speech and expression. A space which allows them to talk openly, exchange thoughts, ideas and experiences. But BuckleApp does more than just bring women with similar backgrounds together. The ultimate goal is tο achieve social integration, which means (re)integration into the employment market.

This idea was conceived after discussing with women of the abovementioned categories. Although they referred to numerous reasons why they feel excluded from the society, not being able to find a job because of their nationality, region, physical state or even their past (ex-prisoners and ex-addicts in particular), was their number one concern. They expressed true disappointment and anger, stating that such unjustified discrimination against them, is causing them stress and misery. Some of them were 100% dependent on their husbands’ income, whereas those who were divorced or not married yet, were having trouble taking care of themselves and/or their children. But except for the obvious financial problems, not being able to find a job can have serious effects on somebody’s mental health as well. In many cases, it causes people to feel useless, inefficient and unproductive. Thus, a burden to society.

Our mission was finally clear. We would offer women of minority groups guidance and support. The services that we will provide include education on certain topics, discussion with experts and consulting. At first, women will be classified according to age, region, native language, financial and family status, work experience and other important characteristics and then they will be able to join social rooms. In these rooms, they will have the opportunity to talk privately with individuals, to explain their problems and discuss their needs/aspirations.

What is also important to mention, is that we will organize weekly seminars and educational workshops, as well as meetings with psychologists, life coaches, financial advisers and lawyers. Last but not least, meetings with employment recruiters and managers will be scheduled, so that women will have a clear overview of the situation and the possible solutions.

Even though all these actions require a significant amount of money, women will participate free of charge. Financing will be based on donations (individual giving), voluntary work and collaborations with organizations and companies that in the framework of their CSR programs (or their brands image / personality), want to build on relevant issues. In order for this project to work, funding from ECP (European Community Programs) and bank loans will also be necessary.

Don’t forget to take a look at our pitching presentation!


Team Members:

Kollia Eleftheria

Kondyli Panagiota

Papantoni Thaleia

Stoumpou-Sideri Marialena

