
Diversity Junction

Hello everyone! We are SoBeeasy, a 5-member team of AD&PR Lab of Panteion University. Today, we are excited to announce our audio-based start-up, Diversity Junction, a three-part provider of Diversity-focused content. It is primarily a Web Radio created and designed solely around the topic of what it means to be a part of what we call “Diversity”. Secondarily, it has an official website with articles about Diversity and already aired shows. Finally, it has an App version that will enhance the experience of our listeners by offering them a more interactive part of the Web Radio.

Now, you may be wondering. Why did we choose a Web Radio for our start-up?

Well, in simple terms, we based it on the market research we did. We spotted that, in general, the topic of Diversity isn’t as widely covered as it truly should be. That is especially true in Greece, where only few of the multiple radio stations of the country have spent time mentioning it. An important observation we made is that within this small sample, we saw yet a smaller amount of radio stations that exclusively cover this topic.

So, this is where we come in. We aim to take this opportunity to ensure that no one will have their voice suppressed. To provide a platform where all people, whether they consider themselves a part of Diversity or not, will be able to enrich their knowledge of this topic. Our Web Radio and our App will serve as the means to do it. Both will be used to communicate the problems that members of Diversity have daily, with the Web Radio being a more indirect platform than the App.

Now, why is the App more direct than Web Radio? What does it offer?

The App consists of two versions: A free version that will provide the same content that is presented on the Website of Diversity Junction, and a premium version, priced at 5 euros per month that offer exclusive content.

This includes

· Extra interviews, not accessible on the Web Radio nor the website.

· Personalized talks with experts uploaded on podcast formats, where each subscriber will be able to decide whether the talk will be in person, or by calling.

· Finally, the opportunity to attend exclusive seminars and Ted Talks. This includes free and paid events, with the latter having special discounts.

Below is a prototype of the App we created, to show some of its features


While we want to slowly include more and more people in this journey, our starting point -and thus, our targeted audience- are people between 15 and 30 years of age that are interested in this topic and want to have a more complete understanding of it. We will reach out to them on various websites and social media and with the help of influencers that are a part of Diversity, or just simply want to share their knowledge about it.

Photo by Brittani Burns on Unsplash

Our goal is to bring a breath of fresh air to the Diversity radio market. To help people of Diversity to express themselves, let others know how they feel, and show them that together we can develop a sense of community from one to another. We really aim to make a difference here by helping wherever we can.

Thank you for reading!

Special thanks to Ms. Betty Tsakarestou and Ms. Domnika Skreta


Marianna Gianniodi

Angeliki Karavlidi

Nikitas Moragiannis

Ria P

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Marianna Gianniodi
StartupLab by ADandPRLAB | Panteion University

Currently studying Communication, Media and Culture at Panteion University - Section: Advertising and PR