Music Mate!

In the last few years we see more and more start-ups gaining ground and creating solutions for many everyday problems. What we see though, is that music industry is a field with a lot of potentials.

It is an unexploited market which provides the opportunity to create value for many potential customers and bring major profits.

So, we, team “Threenity”decided to take advantage of it. Our team consists of 3 female students with one common goal, to create an app focusing on music and human relationships.

But first, let’s have a flashback!

It’s Monday morning. The three of us are on a bus, on our way to class. The bus stops at the bus stop and a boy comes and sits next to us. He puts on the headphones and starts texting. At the moment we didn’t pay attention, but it is a couple of minutes later that it hits us. The boy is texting on Tinder app and listening to music at the same time. Everyone does that, texting and chatting at the same time. But the boy is not just chatting. He is looking for company to spend his time pleasantly. How about an app that combines all of the above? How about an app that allows you to create your favourite playlist, chat and meet people with the same taste in music? The answer was easy “THAT’S IT, THAT’S OUR BIG IDEA”!

What is it exactly though?!

As we started making our research we realised that we do not have any major competitors. Our idea is unique and it brings a real solution in an existing problem, the need for human connection, the need for entertainment through music and the need of sharing and disusing common interests with other people. All of the above simply in one app.

Music Mate Prototype

More specifically our Key Value Proposition is an app made for music lovers in search of real human relationships. We do not care about the sexual orientations and we, also, do not care about the “use of the app”. Whether they are looking for a lover or just a friend, we want our users to have the freedom to choose the kind of relationship they are looking. We do not want to mix those two things and that is why we separate them in order to avoid confusion. We target on the Greek audience and we categorise the users based on their location, music taste and favourite artists.

Let’s talk about our Value Proposition Canvas!

The Value Proposition Canvas is a tool to the Business Model Canvas, which can help ensure that a product or service is positioned around what the customer values and needs. It can be used when there is need to refine an existing product or service offering or where a new offering is being developed from scratch. The main goal is to assist us in designing great Value Propositions that match our Customer’s needs and jobs-to- be- done and help us solve our problems. This is what the start-up scene calls product-market fit or problem-solution fit. The Value Proposition Canvas zooms in two building blocks, the Value Proposition and the Customer Segment.

To begin with, Customer Segment is consisted of:
Gains: the benefits the customer expects and needs.
Pains: the negative experiences, emotions and risks that the customer experiences in the process of getting the job done.
Customer’s jobs: the functional, social and emotional tasks customers are trying to perform, problems they are trying solve and needs they wish to satisfy.

The Value Proposition is consisted of:
Gain Creators: how the product or service creates customer gains and how it offers added value to the customer.
Pain relievers: a description of exactly how the product or service alleviates customer pains.
Products and services: the products and services which create gain and relieve pain

It’s Business Model Canvas time!

Business Model Canvas is a visual chart with elements describing our value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances. It helps us illustrate our functions and activities in order to figure out the exact operation of the app and clarify every detail so that it would be fully functional.

What about our purpose?

When words fail, music speaks


We aspire to create an app that brings people closer based on their common music interests. Our main goal is to bridge the gap between music and human relationships and become the answer to our users’ main concerns regarding socialisation, communication, company, mutual music tastes, entertainment and fast results.

Betty Tsakarestou Georgia Staikou Christina Bolanou

