
Connecting people through music…


Our logo created by Startup weekend’s team designer

In the framework of Startup Lab of AdandPrLab- Panteion University with our professor Betty Tsakarestou we managed to create our own startup regarding the creative, audiosome brief from Antenna Music. So, as you can understand, the struggle was real…

Brainstorming and baby steps

In the beginning, the idea of finding a creative idea regarding to audio and radio innovation seemed difficult to be reached. We had no other choice, but to brainstorm, and as a team we found effective ways to create beautiful ideas and projects together. We found relaxing places away from stress and anxiety and then it’s easier to let our brain think out of the box. In this project, after hours of “relaxation” , we came up with an interesting idea for us. What if we make an app for those who want: to find a partner that listens to the same music as they do, to create a true relationship through an online dating app?? “Seed” started to grow and we were thinking about many problems, many solutions, many ideas…

But, before getting too excited we had to start researching for similar ideas, for some competition, for the market of online dating in general. Besides, we had made our first steps, our baby steps, so yes, we were excited!

It’s important to say that after our first pitching, presenting our idea to our fellows and our professor, we took an interesting feedback that helped us a lot and in that way we developed our startup idea.

Value proposition

Mrs Betty Tsakarestou was the person that guided all the teams and us of course in that moment of our little chaos. She explained in a very understandable way the model of value proposition and we understood interactively as well our next mission. We gathered and then we analyzed the customer segments and the values that we offer to them.

Our first startup presentation had to do with presenting our value proposition canvas and the feedback that we should take from everyone in the lab. We have to say, that moment we realized that it’s not easy to build a startup, even theoretically , in terms of a lab project. Our model had some shortages and it wasn’t very clear that our value is to change the way we see the online dating ecosystem. We weren’t able to take advantage of the innovation of our idea, and fortunately the change would come a week or two later on.

Business Model Canvas

As mentioned above, the real change of our startup idea would come after some time, but until then we tried to improve our idea and create a useful and unique Business Model Canvas.

We combined our updated value proposition model and we created a useful tool that puts in an order our thoughts in general , the costs of this startup and its revenues, the channels, the resources, and the partners that we have. It helped us a lot. Moreover, we are thankful to Mrs Tsakarestou, once again, for bringing us in touch with experienced representatives of Antenna Music who shared with us some precious insights. It is very important to get feedback and useful advice by the market experts. Their presence and continuous supervision was unquestionably very beneficial for our mental improvement. We could say now that this step was very effective for us and after that presentation we fully understood Muuve’s potentials.

Startup Weekend and what changed

Photo: Stavroula Pollatou

Considering ourselves as potential startuppers and young entrepreneurs we were asked to join the Start Up Weekend Entrepreneurial Journalism, Audio & Radio Innovation, organized by Antenna Music and Panteion University as co-organizer as well. Our idea, Muuve, gained reputation within the Lab’s framework, so the brave one Marianna Renesi, inspired by the mentors Mrs Domnika Skreta & Mrs Betty Tsakarestou decided to pitch the idea. She won the 3rd place and Muuve was considered as one of the most creative and outstanding ideas! Also, her presentation skills combined with her comfort on the stage contributed decisively to the successful result.

What is more, we had one more representative from the MarketMinds at the Start Up Weekend. Manos Kavarnos joined it as an ambassador and venue host by offering his services for the best possible result.

Both of them gained valuable experience and they are really grateful to the organizing team who gave them the opportunity to be part of such an amazing and full of knowledge event.

However, besides the insights we gained at the Startup Weekend, we made some changes at our startup idea. Those two basically days were very useful and we created a team so new minds came in touch with this music dating app idea. Mentors helped us make clear business model canvas, tools for our startup like swot analysis, marketing mix, competitors analysis and we added a few features. Firstly, we composed the main benefits of our app , the music and the songs, the live chat and the user’s profile. Secondly we created music clouds, sections according to music fields combining recommended people that enjoy listening to this music field and of course playlists and songs. Finally, we found a strong value proposition based on a triptych that music creates experiences and experiences can create relationships, and of course we created our own mock-up of the app with the aim of our talented graphic designer. One moment we’ll never forget was the via Zoom connection our team had with Jeremy Caplan, “Director of Education for the Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism”. He gave us helpful advice and he made us think our startup idea with a different interpretation. It was a great honor having this online conversation with such an expert mentor!!

Muuve matured there, it became the first app in Greece that combines listening to your favorite music and at the same time find music oriented recommendations of people that you would date with and create a strong relationship! This idea is based on a two-faced revenue model, a freemium one and a subscription one thinking a six-month window of 0,99€ per month.

Final pitching and our thoughts

After this experience and οf course the maturation of our startup idea, it was the time to present it in class and pitch just like in Startup weekend. The upshot made us proud and relieved. We made clear that our mission is to create a music dating app different from the existing ones, one dating app that would connect upon music interests and taste, thus relationships that could be created there would be “audiosome” and authentic. We mentioned above that we want to change the online dating ecosystem, that is our goal!

Undeniably, this semester was full of insights and useful experiences, we cooperated with talented people and we can’t forget the moment that Antenna Music gave us the brief of this project, no one could ever imagine how this would be evolved and how much pleasure and gratitude would have in the end… One of the best experiences we have ever had!

Thank you so much Betty Tsakarestou and Domnika Skreta for everything!!

MarketMinds: Emmanuel Kavarnos Orestis Kapsis Lena Patili Marianna Renesi



Marianna Renesi
StartupLab by ADandPRLAB | Panteion University

Student at Panteion University|Department of Communication,Media and Culture