New Muse; Empowering Musicians via Knowledge

Music is a powerful art. The ability to channel your emotions and transmute them into an audible form it’s something that sounds like magic, but artists of all ages, genders, and identities do it almost daily. But what about those who want to express their creativity and emotions through music and they are unable to do so, either due to lack of knowledge, or because the technology has outrun them? This is where New Muse comes in!

The idea came as any other; our team (Sophia A., Marianina Deligianni, evadinou, Alexandra S, and John Reizis yours truly) was discussing our next assignment for our university class. We were tasked to present and pitch an audio-based start-up. We had esoteric inside, since one member of our team is a musician themselves, and all of us had people who had been involved with the production of audible content. We asked left and right, people of all ages, and we condested the feedback into the core ideal of our start up!

We asked a retired DJ, who stated that the new technology had forced them to give up their art. We asked some new musicians/sound engineers and they said that a lot of basic functions of sound-editing software are hidden, therefore making it difficult to access without someone explaining to you in simple language where they are and what they do. Lastly we asked upcoming singers, who had difficulty in connecting with the industry and recognise good deals. These are the people Ne Muse is talking to; older generations who want to keep up with the new DJ trends/technologies, younger generations who want to express themselves through music (mainly DJing), and anyone interested in sound design.

New Muse is a digital platform where people of all ages and identities can learn the ins and outs of DJing and sound design and build their careers.How you might ask? Through a series of lessons, all cut and dry for the person they are provided to, and after that through a series of collaborations with bars, dance halls, clubs, and festivals.

We believe that New Muse can compete with similar platforms, like DJ Courses Online, Skillshare, Coursera, and Udemy, simply because of the vast array of services. Besides the on-demand, subtitled, courses, spoken in the appropriate level for the student, and the collaboration with festivals and other establishments for the student’s better chances in employment, New Muse would also provide an Equipment Marketplace, where platform members can sell and purchase new, used and refurbished equipment. Also, members of New Muse will receive coupons and discount codes for equipment bought outside the platform (thanks to the platform’s sponsors).

New Muse would provide three levels of subscriptions; the Basic Seminars, with a cost of 40€ for five on-demand seminars, Intermediate Seminars, with a cost of 80€ for ten on-demand seminars, adn Professional Seminars, with a cost of 120€ for twenty on-demand seminars. Each of these subscriptions comes with a 7-day free trial for the user to see if the course is what they actually need.

The paid subscription should be more than enough to cover the cost of all the equipment, professional subscriptions to conference platforms, office establishments and maintenance of the website and app.

We believe that our little project has the potential to create a new generation of musicians, podcasters, and sound engineers. Creators with a vision and an optimistic view of the future. And we are proud to be their New Muse…



John Reizis
StartupLab by ADandPRLAB | Panteion University

Currently studying marketing, having a novel on the works, and doing some digital art. I also work part-time at Tact Hellas.