Phoenix: an audio music innovation for upcoming artists

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In this AD&PR Startup Lab, with the help of Mrs. Betty Tsakarestou and Domnika Skreta, as well as her partners from Antenna Music, we created a start-up idea on audio innovation.

Our idea was based on the fact that there are many people who are looking for opportunities to show their talent in music and they upload videos of their work on YouTube, Spotify or they resort to talent shows. As there isn’t any site or app that is specifically targeted for these people, we decided to launch an app called Phoenix, where users can post their music and gradually become more known. They will be able to get filtered feedback from the public, who will also be able to buy their favorite tracks at low prices. In a final phase, we are thinking of presenting every year the 3 most favorite artists, whom we will promote and help establish connections in the world of music.

Our idea was also based on a small research we did, where we came in touch with an amateur student music band. After some questions that we asked them, they answered that they do not have many opportunities to promote their music except through YouTube or some live performances that are no longer possible due the Covid-19 conditions.

To be more sure of our idea, we conducted a quantitative survey with a sample of 70 people. According to our results, 80% of participants listen to music very often and 50% resort to YouTube. Most of the sample considers it very important to highlight new artists and that an application like ours would be very useful for this process. In fact, 54 people out of 70 would definitely download our app to contribute to it. In terms of user energy in our app, this is somewhere in the middle. 66% of the respondents said they would like to get the premium version of our app, as long as the privileges were tempting. Finally, ads are not liked by most but banners are a form of ads that does not bother most. In summary, our research has shown that our idea resonates with a large part of the sample and that many would support it, while at the same time giving us a guideline as to where to move with its procedural application. It was certainly a key step forward.

Considering all this, our target group will be all those who listen to music and practice it or get in any touch with it. Specifically, we will focus on ages from 15 to 35, who are more informed in the technological part and are more likely to engage with a music application.

As we tried to discover our target group, we created two personas, who reflect the demands and needs of the future users of our app, and to spot the blank space. Firstly, we have a young woman named Persephone, full of energy, who loves to produce music and sing. This is the first target group of our app: young, ambitious artists, with a passion for what they do and who love to share this passion with the world.

The second persona is a 32-year-old man, named Aggelos, who loves listening to music, discovering new songs and renewing his music taste. This is the second target group that we aspire to approach: people who love to listen to new music, to discover new artists and to broaden their music horizons.

After that, we determined the features we want to offer to our users; we wanted to be relevant and reflect the current needs that users ask from these apps. Firstly, the app will categorize the music by genre, in order to help users find songs they will enjoy listening to. That way, the app will memorize their music preferencies and will suggest songs based on their music taste and the songs they had heard before. One of the most important features wil be the weekly/monthly/yearly feature of the top songs based on the users and the top artist will gain more attention. Also, we will have a premium program where users will unlock more special content.

During the procedure for our audio innovation idea, we discovered a lot of similar platforms that provide music. However, we consider YouTube and Spotify to be the basic competitors of Phoenix. These are the largest and most popular music platforms, with a very large and loyal audience.

People upload their music in many platforms, so the question is, why choose our app? Of course there is YouTube where people upload videos of them singing, but millions of artists share their videos and their songs may eventually get lost among the others and not have the attention they aspired to have. Many people use social media, such as Facebook and Instagram to share their talent with their friends and followers. Unfortunatly, their songs may not have as much attention as they thought they’d have. We want to offer a place where people can share their music and their passion and talent with as many people as they can.

Last but not least, there is always a necessity to earn money. One way would be by enrolling users in the premium program that we will make available. Those users who are registered in the premium will be able to watch some of our videos for free without any charge or even participate in some competitions. Finally, another possible way of increasing earnings could be through the fame that an artist will likely gain. Through their recognition, they will make our application more and more known and widespread to the general public; as a result, more and more people will download it and want to use it regularly.

Team members: Anton Olga, Archontaki Elpida, Pantelidaki Elia, Tsane Ioanna

