

The challenge about Internet of Things was quite intriguing for me and my team and that was the reason that we chose this category. The challenge was to come up with a startup idea that will provide adtech solutions. It is about making people’s life easier and more efficient.

So, we came with the idea of a mirror that plays music named ‘Prove Mirrong’. The problem is that people tend to forget a lot of information including the music that they like. Sometimes people need to hear the song that suits their mood in that moment but they may don’t remember it or they just get bored to search for it. So we provide the solution with our special mirror that through facial recognition and internet connection recognize your mood and plays the suitable song for the occasion.

We attempted to make a little research to analyze the preference or not of the audience for our device. The insights that we received was quite encouraging and helpful in order to improve our startup. Specifically, people seem to like the idea of a gadget that understands their music tastes.

As far as concerned the business plan behind our idea, the ‘Prove Mirrong’ addresses to every human that loves music. We will sell our product through retail, in gadget stores and of course through e-shop. There is going to be a promotion campaign, google ads, TV commercials and social media pages in order to advertise the product. So as far as we are talking about a gadget customers are been engaged since the purchase of it. To conclude the business plan there are some structure and crew costs for building the first prototypes.

The fact is that we want to create some serious value for money so we have designed an innovative, elegant gadget that is easy to use and understands the music you want to hear to get that mood boost. That three months procedure has given me personally the opportunity at first to cooperate in order to create something that will make people’s lives easier and happier, as music is a major part of everyday life and influences us in lots of ways.

After that, we hope to experience even more opportunities like this one and next time take another step further.

