Six MarKs & a Penny- Adblocking

Our idea is about adblocking applications. These applications have the ability to allow users block the advertisements, that run on websites. The problem is that the advertisements that appear are too much, so visitors are tired and do not give attention to them or install adblockers.

The solution we have found is to create an application that will allow some of commercials that will be related to the interests of each user. In this way, there will be a small number of advertisements that will not bother users, but will be relaxing as they will be interesting.
As we take interviews with my group, we realized that the public is positive to use an application like this, since everyone is angry with the huge wave of advertisements and only few of them are negative in the presence of advertisements related to their interests. This has helped us understand that our idea could bring significant results. Therefore, we decided that this idea could become reality. Certainly, we need people who know how to run an application like this and a satisfactory budget too.

There are many things you can do when you take the initiative to start a startup and what we need to understand is that all ideas will have no value if we do not try to do them. Finally, we would like to emphasize that our future plans are the attempt to launch this particular startup, as our team believes that it can prove to be particularly profitable.

Thank you all,

Six MarKs & a Penny

