Smart mirror —Start up lab

The challenge we decided to work on after careful consideration was the one concerning IoT. IoT is an abbreviation for Internet of Things which according to Forbes is:

Simply put, this is the concept of basically connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (and/or to each other). This includes everything from cellphones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices and almost anything else you can think of.

What we came up with was the idea for a Smart mirror. Since our team was made up by four females, instructed by our society, we are all quite interested in make up, some of us more some of us less, but instructed by our nature (and again a bit by society) we are also perfectionists so we all wanted to be better at choosing and using it. This stream of thoughts and ideas lead us to the Smart mirror. In the ever- growing market of beauty and perfection, it seems like more and more people would be interested in purchasing a mirror that would show you, using facial recognition technlogy, how to properly apply the make up products on your face in order to achieve the look you want. It would also notice your product preferences and then suggest new ones to you, so that when the time comes to buy that new lipstick you will know which one would be the most probable to make you happy, according to what you like, what looks best on you and what the global trends are.

How would you know for sure though? The Smart mirror allows its users to try on new products on their reflection to get a realistic view of their result.

As forementioned, the market for beauty is growing. Many positive movements help more and more individuals feel comfortable with their choices and experiment with make up like never before going above and beyond the traditional narratives. We did a basic market research and what we found out was not surprising at all. People spend a lot of money on make up. People love applying it, experimenting and having fun with it and what we wanted to create was met with enthusiasm for all the possibilities it came up with. It would save them money, time and skin damage while in the future, the Smart Mirror could evolve enough to even recognize skin issues and conditions!

