SmartWheels-Business Plan

3&aCuckoo — Internet of Things


It’s at the point when you believe that you have found a good idea, but you have to test its feasibility and how exactly it’s gonna work. It seems that time has come to build your Business model and find out if whatever is that you have in your mind can be inplemented into the real world.

When it comes to Internet of Things, building the business plan is proven to be even more difficult. As our goal to create a smart, state-of-the-art wheelchair was quite ambitious, we had to focus on making it viable. The value proposition is obviously our efforts to improve the transportation of disabled people by assuring their accessibility to the places they want to go, increasing the possibilities that they will find a free parking lot and offering them more options of entertainment.

Our challenge was to find an idea in the field of IoT

Our wheelchair is suitable for disabled people of all age and almost every kind of moving disability. As a target group they are kinda sceptical but willing to experiment ways that will make their life as they want it to be. In order to approach them we thought of introducing our ideas and our prototypes to local teams like sport teams an others as well as organisations like ΣΚΕΠ, which aims at familiarizing society with people with disabilities. Later on they will be able to purchase the product through different channels, like online shop or at partner-stores. Our upper goal is that the orders will be maden dirrectly from the hospitals or the vocational rehabilitation centres.

Our Business Model Canvas

At the next level we will attempt to reach some agreements with several partners. Firstly, we need to discover the restaurants, the cafeterias, the museums, thw concert venues and even the festivals that accommodate the proper accessibility. These will be our clients, thus we will bring them customers for their services. On the other hand, we have to cooperate with a constraction and distribution company to take care of the practical issues.

Team: 3 & a Cuckoo

Consisted of: 1)Agis Lamprakis, 2)Eirini Zaveli, 3)Filitsa Makri/Moutousi, 4)Katerina Kaouni, 5)Katerina Kanellopoulou



Filitsa Makri/Moutousi
StartupLab by ADandPRLAB | Panteion University

Personal Relations and Advertising-Culture,Media and Communication, Panteion University- Culture addict:D