

As another project comes to an end, our team, DreamAd, is very proud to introduce Women’s safety audio, an application inspired for our audio innovation challenge in the context of AD&PR Lab’s collaboration with antenna audio.

The major problem is this kind of a society, in which we live, where women don’t feel safe walking alone in the streets, especially at night. Every day, more and more women get catcalled on the streets, they are being assaulted and sexually harassed. After all, the numbers speak for themselves. According to a research done on 1.115 women in Greece, 65% of them state that they have experienced sexual abuse or harassment and the most common place is at the streets. This problem persuaded us to create an app that could help in such serious situations and change peoples’ lives for the better.

Our goal was to create a unique, innovative and useful for our society app.Our app “Women’s Safety Audio” is an audio app which is equipped with the necessary sounds for a woman in danger. For example, if a woman is out on the street alone and is been followed or escorted, she could use one of the app’s sounds to make it seem like she’s having a dialogue with someone.In this way, anyone around her will think that the woman is not alone, so she will be as safe as possible, until she returns home.

Our source of inspiration was a video we stumbled upon of a young tiktoker who has already created sounds for when a woman feels like she is being followed, which he has posted on his account. So our goal was to systematize such sounds and place them in an application so that they will be easily accessible at any time.

DreamAd wants to make women feel safe when they are alone walking from their work or their school or coming home from a night out. Our application can do just that. It will help women feel safer and get out of any situation where they think they are in danger.

So far, women in danger had to call someone to help them. But there are numerous times that they can not get ahold of a friend or family member. With ‘’Women’s Safety Audio’’ they will have access to numerous phone audios- conversations adjustable to any circumcision. In this way, no woman will ever seem alone.


In addition to the searching of clients, an ideal persona with features that can help us reach the right audience, is needed to be introduced.

Here’s Katerina: she’s 27, a financial accountant, living alone in Kypseli district. Given the fact that she’s working in a big accounting firm, she often finishes her shift late at night, having to get home safely by other means but car. The thing is, her neighborhood is mostly safe, but with no few theft and fraud incidents throughout the years and neither means of transport aren’t always helpful, nor all her friends are always available for a call until she gets back home. That’s why she needs a 24/7-working sound application, that can keep her visual company, so as to keep danger away.


Our main tools to promote ‘’Women’s Safety Audio’’ were mostly social media, such as Instagram, Facebook and a couple of links to PlayStore and AppStore. Through this survey, it was noticed that the Greek media has at times experienced a frenzy of ever-newer news about harassment and femicide. Examples, such as the emergence and development of the MeToo movement in recent times, are the ones that require the protection, not only of women, but also of all vulnerable persons who are at risk, in any way.

As with the well-known “Pizza Call”, which was a code word for those women who were in danger and could not freely call for help, so now the application in question can appear as a phone call from a friendly person, a company, an email, a notification , etc.

In this case, the State looks like the only one competent to help (ex.: Ministry of Civil Protection, Justice, Social Affairs). Nevertheless, other relevant associations, such as ELIZA, DIOTIMA and SKOPOS ZOIS Foundations can also contribute to the wider mobilization.

Apart from the app, our audios will also be available to Spotify and Apple Music and the women in need of our application can also download them in their phone, so they can have access anytime; even without wi-fi.

We are about to promote our application, through social media, such as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, so that we can bring the biggest possible awareness to our target group. We are aware though that, to provide through our application, we are in need of some development-oriented profit. The DreamAd considered that this will come by the use of our app. Every time someone uses it, we are able to add in our profit. Overall, what we want is to build a relationship of trust, between us and our target group.

As a team in a whole, DreamAd believes in a fair, more equal and inclusive society, free to all. This is the way -or better to say- the chance of making our goals and philosophies a thing of real life.

The «Woman’s Safety Audio» is a great opportunity for us to achieve something helpful and meaningful for every unsecured woman, who needs to feel free, under no danger or fear at all. All these negative primes, regarding women harassment, motivate us to make even greater things that set foot on new horizons and social lifestyle.

In this case, our only hope is that both technology and State organs are about to cooperate in a great work, that is about to make a feeling of protection, safety and peacekeeping for this significant social household.

