SOUL — Share your soul through your sound! | Succecutives

Have you imagined a world with only beautiful sounds and voices?

We do have! And that’s why we created Soul!

How many of us are tired of seeing the role models presented on social media? Well.. first things first! It’s time to stop presenting fake and frivolous role models and prioritize real talent, and not frivolous people who are “attention seekers” through TV.

For us, diversity should not aim only at a specific community. Each and every one of us is different and has something that makes us stand out!

So… why choose the soul app?

It allows everyone to show their talent solely through sound, regardless of appearance.

How will the SOUL app actually work, and how will it manage to make talent showcasing a business and profitable idea? The essence and innovation of our idea is the following: it’s not just a talent competition.

It is a scouting application with a dual role: B2B and B2C.

Anyone can become part of the new reality that SOUL offers, either as a talent hunter company or as an upcoming but shy talent, or as the audience. Artists are allowed to showcase their passion or hobbies, among which are singing, beatboxing, podcasting, and voice acting.


That’s why we want to prove in the best way that our app is totally suitable for you! Let’s see some statistics and facts…

-Each week, more Americans listen to podcasts than have Netflix accounts

-Importance of sound in 2022

-Most countries see podcasting engagement rise every year.

-The past few years music talent shows have exploded all around the world.

-Most people need to see diversity in the talent show industry.

-Many surveys have shown that after the music industry has gained many artists from talent shows

-At least one-third of teenagers(37%) and adults (34%) feel upset or ashamed of their body image.

-According to Voxnest, podcasting is growing fastest in the following countries:

  • Chile +83.9%
  • Argentina +55.3%
  • Peru +49.1%
  • Mexico +47.8%
  • China +43.6%

-In 2022, 62% of the population 12+ has listened to a podcast and roughly 78% are familiar with the medium.

-73% of the U.S. population 12+ have listened to online audio in the last month.


The SOUL app can be used by people who want to show off their talent while keeping their identity a secret, either because they are shy or because they want to be judged only based on their skill, not their physical appearance. It is a safe place where singers, voice actors, DJs, and instrumental players can share their passion.

Also, the app will be the place where talent hunters can discover new hidden talents and expand their teams. Lastly, users that aren’t uploading content will be able to discover new content and artists and also vote during the contests, which will add a more interactive touch.


Firstly, we have to download the app via the app store. Then, when you open the app, you must sign up as a talent hunter, a listener, or a talent. After that, you will be able to show your skills and talents, listen to shows and podcasts, chat with other listeners, and vote to support the artists.


The app’s earnings will come through crowdfunding, sponsorships, affiliate marketing, courses, and podcasts, as well as advertisements, events, merch, and premium content subscriptions.


Regarding our activation plan, we have decided that the best time to start is in spring 2023 when advertisements will be popping off on social media. After that, at the beginning of summer, ads will become more frequent while many artists begin to promote the app.

After that, at the end of summer, radios will be announcing the soon release of SOUL, while using our motto ‘Share your soul through your sound,’ At the same time, they will be promoting big giveaways to get the audience’s attention. Lastly, in autumn 2023, the app drops, and a big event is hosted to celebrate and promote even more SOUL.

Don’t forget!

Share your soul through your sound!


Kartsona Stella

Tsirimokou Elisa

Makrydakis Manu

Chatzistavraki Evelina

