startup lab : adblocking

I am a member of 6marks&apenny a newly found marketing team. The subject of our challenge given to us by mr. Erik Parks and Giannis Sorotos along with Mr. Kapetanakis was adblocking. Adblocking applications allow users to block ads whenever they visit a website.

The problem was that companies were at war with one another in order to get consumers online. As a result they were bombarding people with ads. The outcome was that people don’t pay attention to ads anymore or install adblockers to erase them from their interface. Companies began to lose money. So an opportunity rose. We had to find a way to make commercial ada enjoyable to the people on the internet and increase the profit of companies online

The solution we came ap with was to create an application which connects on social media, cuts 60% percent of ads and adresses to the right people. With that we could learn about our consumers better, show the right amount of ads to the right people, and ofcourse increase sales.

Most of the people we interviewed were quite positive on the use of adblockers especially our main competitor adblock plus. Through communication we ubderstood that our problem is not adblocking but the huge amount of irrelevant ads that were shown to people online. We also asked people if they would use an application which connects them to fewer ads but also way more interesting to them and they were quite willing to try

As a team we set that our customers are going to be the compainies that we are going to promote to the people. So we decided that each company will pay an entrance fee in order to be hosted on our multiplatform and have their commercial ads displayed to people.

The application is going to be a multiplatform containing both information of companies and the individual users like most of social networks. It will also be compatible with social media, android and iOS. It will automatically categorize the right apps for our users and ofcourse there are gonna be monthly updates and star evaluations. What we would like to achieve at first is increasing our downloads through our cooperation with the social media that we are going to be compatible with and then promote our application online in order to increase our users by 40%.

There are a lot of things that you can learn when you begin building the idea of your startup. Me and my team learned to listen to each other and work as a whole. Also we learned that the first thing one needs to do if he wants to begin something is to listen to what the people say. They are the ones who determine the outcome after all. Ofcourse in order to create something that is going to contribute to our community you have to believe in your idea. You have to love what you are about to do because it needs a lot of time and a lot of effort. And last but not least when you begin something you need to be capable of understanding what the problem is and what you and society would want, what their needs are.

I would like to continue our project on adblocking. Me and my team have made a list of the specialities our team needs to have and also estimated the starting funding that we require. I personally believe that we could provide a solution on adblocking and that as a team we have really created a unique idea.

