Startup lab project by AD&PRLAB

Digital Adverising Challenge

In this semester at Panteion University’s Startup Lab we had to face some very interesting challenges in order to solve them and present an innovative idea. As a team (6 Marks& a Penny) we decided to choose the challenge of Giannis Sorotos-Eric Parks and specifically the ad-blocking project because we thought that was something different and needed solution.

The problem

In the beggining of April Giannis Sorotos and Eric Parks came to our startuplab to present us the challenges they want to follow through.The project we chose was based on proposing a startup idea that will allow advertisers to deal with this issue. All members of our team excited when they heard about this adblocking challenge. The problem that we have to solve was that companies are waging war against each other in order to increase their clients and ads are bombarding the innocent denizens of the internet without any mercy.

So, the results of this situation are that people start to ignore all the ads due to their frustration and companies are losing money and people opportunities.

The solution

We came up with the idea of creating a application which connects on social media, cuts 60% of advertises off and it helps us to choose where to show what. In this way, we are aiming to save people from irrelevant adverisments and increase the sales of every company-client. Our main clients will be companies which are looking to attract new customers via Internet advertisement and to gain funds from companies that want their product to be displayed to the right people who will not mechanically ignore them.


We made as a team an interview to understand if a application like this will help their surfing on Internet.The biggest percent of the people that answered our questions told us that is a very intelligent project and they would be disposed to use such application.

To sum up :

We present our ideas and our willing application to a very sifnificant event which took place at “Impact Hub Athens”. It was a vey special experience because people who knows a lot of things about startups judjed us and gave us the feedback and the things they thought we must change in our project. It was a very interesting spring semester and i am sure that i gained lots of information and details about how you can make a Startup.

