

Coca Cola challenge: Change the world CTW

During this semester, my team ( narin@g Nefeli Stavroulaki ) and I had to face a challenge given by Coca Cola company. The objective was to create an application that will promote with an indirect way the product to teenagers ( 13–19 yo ).

To solve this problem, we focused on what teens around the world need.

According to our research, what they really need is a world, out of this one. They need to change their reality and they want adventurous moments.

Our idea was to give them what they really need. A game on IOS or android, where they can create a world as they imagine it. For instance, considering the current situation in Syria, through this game they will be able to change it and rebuild it again. Every city they will change, it will be an award for them.

This semester we learned a lot. Strategy is the most important part for a start up and the business model is the key to success.

