#StartUpLab IoT Challenge by “mAD man & girls” team

In the spring semester I had the chance to participate in StartUp lab organized by AD&PR lab of the department of Communication, Media and Culture, Panteio University. The lab is in co-creation and collaboration with the startup and social innovation leading organizations and hubs in Athens. So, this time we have assigned four different challenges through mentorship with aim for us to cultivate entrepreneurial mindset.

My team decided to choose the most demanding challenge based on Internet of Things Technology, as, nowadays, the IoT is becoming an increasingly growing topic of conservation. It was a challenge for us to try to understand via our project why on earth would we want so many connected devices talking to each other and what is the value of this technology for people.

Be inspired by the fact that one member of the team (specifically me) was pregnant and after we observed that the prebirth stage constitutes an unexploited market place on the basis that on one hand the ultrasound technology is very advanced, on the other, future parents do not enjoy its potentials. So, we tried to create a value for future parents to this stage that only medical examinations (and mostly ultrasound examinations) dominate in order for parents to be educated, as the foundations of the family can be placed earlier and not be unprepared with the arrival of the baby.

What was our idea? To crate a higly-portable ultrasound device (not a medical device thas provides medical measurements) that can be connected via wifi network with users’ cell phones and other personal devices, enabling them to have audio visual material of their fetus. In turn, we thougth that this maybe concluded to interaction between users and advertisers, as both of them can benefit from this process. Our thought has been expanded on the potential of this device can save fetus’s data and subsequently to occur exploitation of this data ( for example to be used for research).

During our project we have been taught methodologies that help us to chech the value of our idea and we have learned tools about to derive insights from our target audience. Apart from this, we received feedback by our mentor Eric Parks, Tech entrepreneur and digital creative director, that gave us the opportunity to think like an entrepreneur, to find ways to overcome the obstacles and ,mostly, to act as a team!

The peak of this strong experiece was undoubtly our final presentation at Impact Hub Athens, in which our team received inspiring feedback from experts. They treated us as professionals, offering us a teaching experience that broaden our horizons about how the entreprenuer environment is working…



Eftychia Past
StartupLab by ADandPRLAB | Panteion University

Student at Panteio Uni in the department of Communication, Media and Culture, member at Adverisement & Public Relations lab.