The birth of a “Tracker”

We are the “Joyholics” team and we are glad we took part in a really interesting startup lab during this semester. As I have already written, me and my other two teammates, Andromache Efstathiou and Maria Staikopoulou, accepted the Music Bet Challenge and put our effort to give birth to a unique idea in the field of Music Startup. Really challenging, indeed

Brainstorming and Research

We were trying to figure out what is missing… and eventually, we didn’t have to go too far. We asked ourselves in the very first place what our needs are and what kind of everyday problems exist that need to be solved around music.

And somehow, Andromache opened the path to the idea I am going to describe. It was the problem she — and we,as we realized — always has when going out with her friends; where to go and what kind of music plays there?

Music has always been a major factor and a huge part of entertainment, especially for young people and students like us. So, we know, from our own experiences and through talking and interacting with our peers about this subject, that music has an essential role and a great impact on our nights out and it can sometimes be the cause of an argument when it comes to decide where to go.

And that’s how we started thinking and imagined how an app would solve that problem by making it a useful tool. We did our research — secondary, on the first stage — starting from the Startup Environment, taking insights from the Startup Genome Report of this year and then, going on to the today trends of young people, their possible needs, as well as the possible answers that already exist (potential competitors 😉). We were glad to realize that, as long as we searched, there is no such app that combines night out entertainment with music.

Defining the value in our idea for the app

After our research and talks with people of our age, we ended up to the fact that we need a simple, easy and quick way to get informed about the events, parties, concerts or just the music theme of the bars, clubs and music halls nearby. Generally, consumers nowadays want to pay less but have more; they need to have quick answers without searching for one simple thing in ten different websites or platforms; they also need personalized info as most of our apps in our mobile phones have a great amount of personal info and can definitely make suggestions depended on our tastes in different things.

Keeping all the above in our minds, we tried to “draw” our Value Proposition canvas attempting to meet our consumers’ needs.

After that, we designed our Business Model canvas:

Customer Validation

The biggest task: to get feedback. We needed to validate our idea and ask our potential customers whether they would use our app or not and if they would find it useful. So, we talked with our friends and relatives and plus, we conducted a short research by sending a quick questionnaire consisting of 5 questions, which gave us about 50 responses. The results came to relieve and ascertain us that our target group does care about music and agrees that music can affect our choices when going out to have fun. Below you can check some questions and some of the most popular answers:

We also created our persona, a student who lives in Athens and wants to keep herself updated about the current music events and the music kinds that play out there. With all the above we created our User Experience map.

The App; Creation and Prototype

Finally, we gave our app a name: “Tracker”. We thought of this one as it is a memorable name and it comes from the word track/ tracks which either means footprints, marks or path, route or a music song and all that connects to the idea of finding the path to the place that suits you depending on your music taste.

We created our logo through Logo Maker app

…and then we gave our app a real body by making a prototype through in which we included the main options (sign up, making an account etc) and we proposed some examples of the features; for example, the map on which there are gonna be some pins of the bars/clubs nearby with their available events and some info that will be presented if you touch the pin, such as the time, the cost and the distance. Here you can have a taste through the screenshots we took:

So, this was the project we worked on, getting great help and feedback from Domnika Skreta and Betty Tsakarestou whom we’d like to thank.

The Joyholics team

