The switchover to a new level through sound — Audio markets in a glimpse

In modern times at the global level, it is observed that the audio platform industry has evolved to a great extent. Podcasts, music, streaming, and other similar services accompany people’s daily lives.

But how can audio platforms become a tool for diversity advocacy? Unfortunately, in an ever-evolving society, diversity is not accepted and understood by everyone, and the audio media need to create a space for everyone and welcomes diversity and inclusion.

In our project with AD&PRLab, we collaborated with Antenna Music, and we investigated many of the world’s most recognizable companies and startups within the audio industry. A big part of the audio world is covered by apps such as Spotify, Youtube, and Soundcloud that offer a personalized experience to each of us. Still, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Grooveshark, and Mixcloud are more streaming platforms.

We were surprised to see some exciting platforms, such as IDAGIO, the world’s leading streaming service for classical music, which shows that there are people who need audio apps for specific kinds of music.

However, through our research, we discovered some gaps in the audio market.

There is a long-standing dichotomy between the easy-going mainstream audience and the committed fans at the edge of the curve, which makes it difficult to see how the big music streamers can serve both groups with the same product or platform. It also suggests that this is one market in today’s increasingly consolidated media world where there is still room for competition, specialized services, and niche offerings, provided they are dedicated to serving — and over-serving — their demanding fan base.
Additionally, the audio world needs a connection with other people. They need to feel part of a group where it doesn’t matter what gender or ethnicity they are. How beautiful would a world be where people bonded with each other through music regardless of their appearance or sexual identity?

We delved deeper and found inspiring opportunities for the audio market that can create a better world, which gives everyone the right to open freely. This kind of market needs to provide space for interaction with the interested audience so it can be connected with people that represent every community, idea, and culture.

Would the next step be a social audio platform, in which people would have the opportunity to connect with others through a shared taste in music, exchanging views, and sharing their own experiences?

It’s time for audio reality to go a step further and fill the current gap regarding diversity in this space!

-by Succecutives

