The voices in your head? Now your personal assistant !Attica Fest X Antenna audio

P. A. B

We thought of a sound innovation: a device like a personal assistant for people with visual impairment. We realized that nothing like it exists in the market as each hearing aid for this vulnerable group is based on the ability of the individual to depend on the use of other complex devices, such as mobile phones or computers. There are softwares that improve and facilitate their navigation in them but not the process is always harmonious and simple. In our audio service the above complicated and time consuming steps will not exist as all the information and the services will be immediately accessible to the user.

Our innovation came to us because of hearing aids and we decided to model after the helpful device while putting a spin on it . We were looking to create a headpiece both achieving our goals and looking like a commonplace earpiece to help the user feel at ease . bluetooth headphones came to mind and instantly were the main focus of our appearance . After looking everywhere finding millions of designs we sat down and thought about “the one” that would help our product . Hook earphones were the winner ( you know the ones that mostly runners use ) because they won’t fall off the ear and people with visual impairments obviously would have a difficult time finding them on the ground .

Now that the looks were finished we started to look deeper in our mvp and find the features that would make us unique in the market and help our customers .

The most important feature in our product is the integration of a voice assistant. Think of something like alexa or siri in your ear answering your every question .Directions , weather, gps, voice notes , helpful features that don’t require any other “instrument” or tool than your voice . features like that will help people with such issues not only to live better but also mitigate the dependency on other devices or tool and sometimes even not needing braille for something simple ,a scarce utility in everyday life .

On the other hand we plan to install a “transparency “ mode, an active noise amplifying technology coined by Apple . This amplifies the surrounding sounds while not lowering the usage of voice assistants or music cor instance . Such tech will prove useful not only to people who depend so much on sound but rather on normal people as well seeing how this apple feature has done on the audio market as of late . Usage rights won’t be an issue in the manufacturing process because so many third party companies have begun copying the feature with no lawsuit from apple meaning we can do the same , although with a slight fall off in performance .

Last but not least , we plan in the future ro enhance the voice assistant to coincide with the new era’s “ smart home “ something that’s on the rise due to 5G or as it’s often called “ the internet of things “.

Τhen we decided, in order to promote our product and introduce it to the market, to place it in the mass media. The media that should definitely be advertised will be both radio and television. On the radio we decided to promote it because it is mainly a medium based on voice services and it is the main information medium used by people with visual impairments. Thus, both themselves and their relatives will be informed much more easily from this kind of defamation as it focuses exactly on the function they use in their daily life. We chose television as a means of promoting our product as it is based not only on visual services but also on acoustic ones equally. So it is also a means that all people now use in our daily lives and especially people with reduced vision should be informed and informed about our product.

In summary, we would say that this device will be able to make life easier for many people with visual impairment but not only. As it will be apart from assistant and travel companion, a pleasant companion during journeys, in relation to simple, not at all interactive and ultimately difficult to use corresponding applications that are on the market. So people with such disabilities will be able to make their everyday life even easier thanks to this innovative service.

And with that we conclude our article on our new MVP


the Attica Fest team

Stylianos Thomopoylos Maria Spyropoulou Marios Mamalis Mihaela Derizioti

Betty Tsakarestou Domnika Skreta

